Workout routine help.

So I'm on my third week of working out now, and right now I'm doing swimming once a week for an hour, then body pump for an hour, running on another day. I'm trying to figure out a workout routine for 2 other days of the week. At the moment im doing half hour of exercises of the other days which include, crunches, sit ups, planks, burpee's, star jumps, sit twists, lunges, legs raised. my general goal is to get in shape and toned up ,

So I'm figuring out if i should include weights more than once a week and if i should be including some different exercises. So far I'm generally feeling fitter but toning is definitely a big part of my goal, as well as getting a flatter stomach i guess.


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    3 or more days. you could do 3 full body, and BP is a full body, so do the other two as full body lifting days, and you're set!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Take up yoga it'll get you lean and toned as well as make you a lot more flexible.