Gotta vent!



  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    I 100% know how you feel but just be careful- Diet Coke isn't meant to be heated. I'm not sure if it's different in baking though!
  • allybtucker
    Aspertame loses it's sweetness when heated past a certain temp, some of the new diet drinks like Coke 0 have Splenda in them which you can cook with. There's so much sugar in cake mix, it may not matter if the aspertame loses it's sweetness, the cola may just be in there for the fizz.

    As far as the health nut thing, I tend to swing toward the food nazi end of the spectrum, especially when I'm in "the zone". It's really easy to get tunnel vision and feel like no "bad foods" should enter the temple. In order to avoid the foods I don't think I should have, I start to think of them as if they're poison, and if someone I care about is eating "poison" my first instinct might be to say something to them, but I've learned not to. I'm a vegetarian, and I hate nothing worse than someone trying to talk me out of it. I have a brain, and I've used it to decide to do this, so leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone. Consider the source of the comments though, they may really care about you and think you don't have all the info.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    Where did you get your information on diet coke not being heated? This recipe is used a lot by others I think diet coke shouldn't be heated while in the can! lol.

    and the person that said this to me may care about me, but I really doubt it. they barely know me anymore - he's a crossfit trainer and gets all high up on his horse and thinks that everyone else is doing "it" the wrong way, yet about a month ago he posted a picture of his fridge that he just stocked full of meat. I love meat, but eating it in excess isn't good for you either. I have no doubt in my mind that they just needed to tell me that because they thought that I was so completely confused about what is good and what is bad, that I needed to be told. Drives me crazy.

    and I would be concerned about someone too if all they did was drink diet coke and eat cake, but this wasn't the case.

    THANKS EVERYONE for all your words and support!!!
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Where did you get your information on diet coke not being heated? This recipe is used a lot by others I think diet coke shouldn't be heated while in the can! lol.

    and the person that said this to me may care about me, but I really doubt it. they barely know me anymore - he's a crossfit trainer and gets all high up on his horse and thinks that everyone else is doing "it" the wrong way, yet about a month ago he posted a picture of his fridge that he just stocked full of meat. I love meat, but eating it in excess isn't good for you either. I have no doubt in my mind that they just needed to tell me that because they thought that I was so completely confused about what is good and what is bad, that I needed to be told. Drives me crazy.

    and I would be concerned about someone too if all they did was drink diet coke and eat cake, but this wasn't the case.

    THANKS EVERYONE for all your words and support!!!

    Ooh! Very possible what I read was for it being in the can! :)
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    I am a food police for myself but not for other people. I am trying a less-processed food diet but that is for me to try not to push it on someone else. Now if they asked for my opinion then I would tell them what I have learned :)
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I get so pissy when someone polices my food. If you wanted an opinion, I'm sure you'd ask for one. (I never ask for opinions).