NSV's Keep Me Going

So I've been a little bummed out lately. I went on vacation three weeks ago and gained three pounds while I was there. I felt terrible. This week I am back to where I was before vacation. I am so close to my first goal and I feel like that 6 lbs is soooooooooooo far away. To top it off, I've had a stiff neck the past couple of days and haven't worked out. I'm used to doing 6 days a week. I just felt like getting past this point would be impossible. But then someone at work that I don't see too often, stopped me in the hall and commented that I'm "looking good." He explained how he's seen me working out every day and he can really tell a difference. It just made my day. Now I'm regrouping and appreciate the good time on vacation I had, but now I'm back on track. Nice to see people notice the weight loss. I have to keep this up.