
Do you find that this is as much of an emotional journey as it is a physical one? I had to be ready to lose weight. I didn't just want to lose weight, but I had to be ready to sacrifice the food and the time to exercise and meal plan. It took me awhile to come around to this, but I knew I wasn't going to even try until I was ready to give it my all and make a real commitment. I didn't want to yo-yo diet and gain it all back. I only want to lose the weight if I can keep it off, and it takes a certain level of self-esteem and energy to make that happen.

Anyone else care to comment on more than just hungry and tired feelings?


  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    relationships... Good ones or bad ones. It's hard trying to eat certain things while you have to feed others too... you have to make a sacrifice like you said. Good post
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    o, it's definitely as much of an emotional journey as a physical one for me.
    it's a battle of physical vs emotional, half the time!
    but i'll persevere :o) and so can YOU!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Do you find that this is as much of an emotional journey as it is a physical one? I had to be ready to lose weight. I didn't just want to lose weight, but I had to be ready to sacrifice the food and the time to exercise and meal plan. It took me awhile to come around to this, but I knew I wasn't going to even try until I was ready to give it my all and make a real commitment. I didn't want to yo-yo diet and gain it all back. I only want to lose the weight if I can keep it off, and it takes a certain level of self-esteem and energy to make that happen.

    Anyone else care to comment on more than just hungry and tired feelings?

    This is exactly why we say it's a lifestyle change. When you want to change your lifestyle and be fit, then your mind needs to be there too and this is why MFP is so helpful.
  • Sometimes I feel it is more emotional than physical - Getting to the point of not emotionally eating but trying to figure out why. Also finding that every ounce of energy that you put into yourself is worth it. That is the thing that has been most transforming for me... feeling worth all the work that I am putting in.
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    I'm stubborn as hell so the physical aspect of it never really bothered me. I've been working my rear off for almost 5 months straight a couple hours a day. But the emotional side is what always gets the better of me. I'm very meticulous and obsessive so if I have a bad day where I can't work as hard as I like or have a spell of not seeing any progress, I take it way too hard. So I agree completely. It's very much an emotional journey as well.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I constantly have to be my own personal trainer and life coach. My mind is my worst enemy, it will try to tell me something is too hard or why bother. When I get these thoughts I acknowledge them and then tell myself, "you can do this" "you will become stronger" and my favourite motivator " you will never be the old you again!" Of course there are days where I wake up and have those negative thoughts, but I am noticing I am not only becoming physically stronger I am also becoming mentally stronger. This is a life change for me so I keep saying to myself there is only forward not back!!