I am SO hungry!

DRetel Posts: 136 Member
I've been hungry all day, and I'm still trying to adjust to eating better while working (I don't have time for a meal)... anyway, I just had dinner, and I am STILL hungry! I'm thinking I should go to the gym just so I can eat more today! lol!
I'm sure part of it is my body having to get used to smaller amounts of food, rather than the way I used to eat until I was really full!
This part will take more work than working out! I like food!

I am going to have to have something small to snack on to kill these hunger pangs! I can't be hungry day and night....


  • wan2b_fatfree
    U may have your weekly lbs to lose set too low... if u are losing weight for the first time or more than 200lbs, you should not eat less that 1600 cals a day and maintain a 1lb weight loss per week until you lose 15-20 lbs. your body and mind have to adjust
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    heres a helpful tip: if youre going to eat, make yourself drink one full glass of water beforehand!! it really works and you feel fuller so much longer and faster, so you dont eat as much.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    hey who told you my secret of working out so I can eat more??
  • Tdavy814
    Tdavy814 Posts: 28
    try drinking water before eating (ice cold) drink in between each bite of food, and drinking afterwards...
  • trailriderdee
    You could try apples as a snack to stave off that feeling of starvation. I have been having one for a "snack" at work around 10 each day, keeps me from dying until lunch time.
  • bflicker11
    bflicker11 Posts: 296
    I'm right there with you right now. I'm over my calories by 200 and some right now. I keep checking in with my body to see if it's real hunger or all in my head. My body is telling me to eat!!!! I do have a protein bar I could eat. I keep them in my room (which is where I"m at right now). OR I could tempt fate and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I think it's safe to stay in my room. Try to choose something filling and healthy. Water helps me sometimes too. Good luck!
  • wan2b_fatfree
    that is actually not true for most people skinnylove... drinking liquids before/after your meals makes the food soggy and easier to digest which makes feel full sooner but hungrier quicker.
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    U may have your weekly lbs to lose set too low... if u are losing weight for the first time or more than 200lbs, you should not eat less that 1600 cals a day and maintain a 1lb weight loss per week until you lose 15-20 lbs. your body and mind have to adjust

    I'm currently 160lbs at 5'8. MFP says my daily calories are 1310 to drop 1lb per week. Today is a non gym day, so no work out calories to look forward to! ;-)
  • kmac420
    kmac420 Posts: 24
    the processed food & grains are really calorie dense. If you eat more vegetables or broths, you can eat WAY more because of how low in calories they are. also, check out HG recipes (google it if you don't know who she is!)
  • jillwaller
    jillwaller Posts: 82
    I agree with the person above. A lot of times your body triggers a hunger sensation when in reality it's just dehydrated. (This is usually the cause for a craving for "midnight snacks")
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    protein! go for some egg or tuna or some low cal soup. They will keep you fuller longer
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member
    Make sure that most things you eat have lots of protein and fiber in them. Also, I eat 200-300 calories every 2-3 hours- keeps me from getting so hungry that I roam the cupboards like I used to!
  • La_India42
    I am feeling the same way... I wish I had more ideas on what to snack on with low calories, but that I like. I am eating healthier and less but by the time I get home and cook dinner sometimes I'm just so hungry, that I give in.

    I wish I could find some Puertorican food with low calories, the rice and beans I cook kills me lol. Well I will keep searching for different meals.
  • daddyzgurl
    daddyzgurl Posts: 58
    Have you tried to eat more protein rich foods? Stuff like chicken, cottage cheese or peanut butter. I found it helpful when I first started to slowly progress into eating healthy instead of just making over my diet in a day or two. Your body may be in shock- especially if you just started exercising as well. If you aren't sure of healthy and filling foods you can google recipes. There are even modified desserts/snacks that can be made (mostly) healthy so you don't feel like you are giving up sweets/salts. I love hungry-girl.com. Great food ideas as well as suggestions for drinks out with the girls.
    Good luck!
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    When I have my hungry days I eat - just make them healthy choice, apple, banana, handful of nuts - you body is telling you something. I always call them my growing days - even when I eat more some days I figure listening to my body is important!
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Along with the water, make sure you're getting plenty of fiber - the bulk helps you feel full. Ditto with protein. It 'sticks' with you. You may have to deal with feeling hungry for the first week especially - I know I did, but my body did adjust.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Usually if you eat foods that are high in fiber you don't have that continuous hungry feeling. Try increasing the fiber in your diet.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    If you want to see if it's dehydration, try drinking a couple of cups of water or seltzer and then suck on a strong mint - the kind that will make you not want to put anything good into your mouth until the taste dies down. If you're still hungry when that happens, eat a little something - maybe a bit of cheese - that's relatively filling but good for you. If you're not hungry, it was definitely dehydration.
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks for the replies... I need to tweak my meals a bit more, and just get used to eating differently. I did break down and have a slice of toast with peanut butter, with lots of water. I feel that much better! :-)
  • JeanWalker109
    Sometimes, water really does help. I wish you well!

