Really, who is the blame??

First of all this thread isn't intended for the ppl with diseases that may cause them to be overweight, God bless you all and I pray the he will heal your body, DON'T GIVE UP! This is for all the ppl (lazy, etc, etc) that are overweight with NO ISSUES that come on here *****ing and whining about being overweight or saying you can't lose weight. This annoys me with all of their constant complaining about how difficult it is to lose weight, and how they can't help their being fat, that it must be their metabolism. Most of you will get defensive about my comments but I don't care, this has too be said. I am generally not prone to ranting online or offline, I encourage most ppl who are trying to lose weight, but I'm finding out why the same ppl who tells me they want to lose weight are the ones who does not want to walk for 5 mins outside, walk the stairs, carry a 20lb box or anything that will help them burn some calories. Always talking about losing weight but don't do a dam thing about it but run your mouth. Stop whinning about being overweight and do something about it. How can someone motivate you to lose weight when you can motivate want some motivation, LOOK IN THE MIRROR, you don't like what you see? Well that's your motivation!! Create a new you and stop hating on ppl that has the body you want, the same ppl that don't just talk about it but put their actions in motion. When you sit on here and talking about skinny or ppl that's in shape, all you are really saying is that you don't like yourself and are not willing to do a dam thing about it but whine. Don't make threads about it, better yet go workout and better yourself...oh yea that's not you, instead you rather eat honey buns and dream about the body you want. Too many SO-CALLED friends on here will agree with your slob stories, instead of putting you in your place, therefore you continue to ***** and whine to anyone that will listen to you, and blame others because you are overweight. Its some real insecure issues flowing around here, but its all because of you! This is what happens when you let yourself go! What you fail to realize is that your are not trying to prevent future ailments like cancer and heart disease. Ppl always saying .."I can't lost weight" ok well you didn't gain all your weight fast, therefore you are not going to lost it fast, but remember that next time you quit your workout, and blame yourself!! Once again to those soldiers on here that's trying and give a dam about your health, .......thank you....that's how you set that example. Again this is only for the ones that are lazy and has no health issues for being overweight.


  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    i love you. haha :D!! WELL SAID. thank YOU
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    Amen to that!!!! Well said!
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Pretty much the best thing I've read today!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    One small detail. I lost 40 pounds on my own but never knew the potential until I started running races AT 40yrs old!. Maybe not everyone has the motivation because no one ever told them they could do it! I see these kids now with parents working fulltime, buying the crap, feeding it to the kdis and LETTING the kids lay around. I get what you are saying about once they are an adult to make the changes but it probably will be a lifetime after these bad habits are formed. Or just the way of life. I do appreciate your passion though, I WISH everyone knew they had it in them!
  • stylelush646
    stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
    I think this is something I needed to here. I am literally sitting here in tears as I read this. I just got off the phone with my fiance and he said that same thing to me not because I am not doing what I need to do, but because I'm not pushing myself hard enough. Believe me, I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm fat because I put my self there and though I can persuade you to believe that I'm fat because of other reasons (surgery, genetics, etc) ultimately I ate and didnt exercise and it go me to where I am today. Someone once told me, "you are fat because you want to be". In my head I thought "who wants to be fat?" and the more I thought about the more I figured he was right. I'm overweight because I'm comfortable(not anymore!) and thats why i didnt do something about it in the past. Years and years i would say I'm going to lose weight and this time next summer I'll be skinny but nothing happened, why because I didnt do anything! I now have the motivation but sometimes I feel like everything I am doing is wrong. I don't know how to work out and when I ask for help I feel like I'm not getting straight answers. I feel as though I'm a ball getting tossed around with all these different approaches to weight loss. I'm so confused and I think thats why I've been slacking on my workouts this entire week! I need advice, help, etc. I appreciate it all. SO I thank you for giving me a "smack in the face" if you will. I'll be sure to bring my A game from now on.
  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    One small detail. I lost 40 pounds on my own but never knew the potential until I started running races AT 40yrs old!. Maybe not everyone has the motivation because no one ever told them they could do it! I see these kids now with parents working fulltime, buying the crap, feeding it to the kdis and LETTING the kids lay around. I get what you are saying about once they are an adult to make the changes but it probably will be a lifetime after these bad habits are formed. Or just the way of life. I do appreciate your passion though, I WISH everyone knew they had it in them!

    Well said!!
  • adventuring
    adventuring Posts: 178
    I don't disagree with what you've said in theory, but there's a certain amount of hostility in the way you've said it which probably *isn't* going to appeal to or motivate those with these particular issues—just the people who, like you, are annoyed by them.

    If you're bothered by "whining," maybe don't visit those particular threads. People post their complaints because they want sympathy, they want to know that other people feel like they do, and because complaining can just plain be cathartic especially if you keep it bottled up in real life. It's not your job to put them in their place about that because you don't know if that's what they need right now. For somebody, sympathy could be all that's keeping them doing the little that they are, even if that doesn't live up to your expectations.

    If they don't deliver on the promises, in the end the only person they're hurting is themselves. If it bothers you, you can click away. They're going to have to live with the disappointment they're causing themselves.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Being "yelled" at doesn't really help my motivation, I had to find it in myself...but to each their own :)
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    I'm not sure why you're so incredibly hostile. People who are on here have obviously taken a step. I don't think most people (although there are some) blame anything other than themselves for their weight gain.

    I just really feel the tone of your post is incredibly condescending and not at all cognizant of what it's like to deal with all of the issues that surround being overweight. Be supportive. Be tough but kind. It's possible...but if the people here are that annoying, find somewhere else to go.
  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    Well said! Someones status today was why does people out of shape can be the first or the best person to tell you have to loose it. I said its because they research it so much to help themselves but they never do it. I can atest that I had fallen off the wagon after my cruise but I blamed no one but me. Peole must understand that it pays to he healthy and in shape.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Stop whinning about being overweight and do something about it. How can someone motivate you to lose weight when you can motivate want some motivation, LOOK IN THE MIRROR, you don't like what you see? Well that's your motivation!! Create a new you and stop hating on ppl that has the body you want, the same ppl that don't just talk about it but put their actions in motion. When you sit on here and talking about skinny or ppl that's in shape, all you are really saying is that you don't like yourself and are not willing to do a dam thing about it but whine.


    I left the hospital on oxygen and about 200lbs overweight. Could I sit here and blame it on my poor health? Sure. Would that get me healthy? NO. I got off my *kitten* and moved. Some days just a few minutes but it was better than zero minutes. I have tangled myself up on my oxygen tubing so I can get some more exercise in. Why? Because nothing is going to get me healthy if I'm sitting on the couch complaining.

    Does it hurt? Yes, it does. I have cried, b*tched, and gotten angry. And then I get my butt up and try again. And I will keep getting up until I'm healthy. And then I will keep doing it so I can stay healthy. Because in the end I'm the only one that can fix this.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    I ran around looking for it, couldn't find it. Probably because I was outta breath. That's what happens when you're outta shape. You run outta breath more than you run. Is that why they call it running out of breath? Does breath run? I feel like mine walks at a slow and quite leisurely pace...Hm, a mystery indeed.
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    I don't disagree with what you've said in theory, but there's a certain amount of hostility in the way you've said it which probably *isn't* going to appeal to or motivate those with these particular issues—just the people who, like you, are annoyed by them.

    If you're bothered by "whining," maybe don't visit those particular threads. People post their complaints because they want sympathy, they want to know that other people feel like they do, and because complaining can just plain be cathartic especially if you keep it bottled up in real life. It's not your job to put them in their place about that because you don't know if that's what they need right now. For somebody, sympathy could be all that's keeping them doing the little that they are, even if that doesn't live up to your expectations.

    If they don't deliver on the promises, in the end the only person they're hurting is themselves. If it bothers you, you can click away. They're going to have to live with the disappointment they're causing themselves.
    I'm clearly talking about ppl that I know and train. If you take it as me being mean then that's how you feel. Just like anyone else I stated my opinion, being nice don't help ppl meet there goals, but telling them that they are not pushing hard enough to lose weight just might motivate them to care. Some ppl need a good kick in order to wake up, I'm a trainer and I have my views on what works and what doesn't work with ppl. To each it own...
  • adventuring
    adventuring Posts: 178
    Yup, you have your views, and I have mine. Mine differ from yours, which is why I offered a response.

    With all due respect, nothing you said indicated to me that you weren't talking about people on this site. I had no way of knowing you were a trainer. But as a trainer, people kind of pay you to be tough, don't they? That's not going to be what they need from everyone in their lives. And I respectfully disagree—niceness *can* be motivating. It depends on the person and the situation, doesn't it? There's no one way to motivate everyone, and to be honest, your approach would absolutely kill my motivation dead. Nothing makes me want to put forth an effort less than being yelled at.
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm not sure why you're so incredibly hostile. People who are on here have obviously taken a step. I don't think most people (although there are some) blame anything other than themselves for their weight gain.

    I just really feel the tone of your post is incredibly condescending and not at all cognizant of what it's like to deal with all of the issues that surround being overweight. Be supportive. Be tough but kind. It's possible...but if the people here are that annoying, find somewhere else to go.
    Hmm if you read correctly you would see that I were talking about ppl that I train, so that means I know them!! And I also said to those that are trying ...thanks for setting the example! Don't just comment if you not willing to read the whole story my friend..
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    Yup, you have your views, and I have mine. Mine differ from yours, which is why I offered a response.

    With all due respect, nothing you said indicated to me that you weren't talking about people on this site. I had no way of knowing you were a trainer. But as a trainer, people kind of pay you to be tough, don't they? That's not going to be what they need from everyone in their lives. And I respectfully disagree—niceness *can* be motivating. It depends on the person and the situation, doesn't it? There's no one way to motivate everyone, and to be honest, your approach would absolutely kill my motivation dead. Nothing makes me want to put forth an effort less than being yelled at.
    Well you don't know me therefore it my seem like I'm yelling but I'm not. Ppl on my friendlist know I'm a highly motivated person..and I train ppl for free...this is what I said in the thread.......I encourage most ppl who are trying to lose weight, but I'm finding out why the same ppl who tells me they want to lose weight are the ones who does not want to walk for 5 mins outside, walk the stairs, carry a 20lb box or anything that will help them burn some calories..and those are ppl I know and train, not that I don't know...
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    Stop whinning about being overweight and do something about it. How can someone motivate you to lose weight when you can motivate want some motivation, LOOK IN THE MIRROR, you don't like what you see? Well that's your motivation!! Create a new you and stop hating on ppl that has the body you want, the same ppl that don't just talk about it but put their actions in motion. When you sit on here and talking about skinny or ppl that's in shape, all you are really saying is that you don't like yourself and are not willing to do a dam thing about it but whine.


    I left the hospital on oxygen and about 200lbs overweight. Could I sit here and blame it on my poor health? Sure. Would that get me healthy? NO. I got off my *kitten* and moved. Some days just a few minutes but it was better than zero minutes. I have tangled myself up on my oxygen tubing so I can get some more exercise in. Why? Because nothing is going to get me healthy if I'm sitting on the couch complaining.

    Does it hurt? Yes, it does. I have cried, b*tched, and gotten angry. And then I get my butt up and try again. And I will keep getting up until I'm healthy. And then I will keep doing it so I can stay healthy. Because in the end I'm the only one that can fix this.
    OUTSTANDING my friend! I wish you well with this and will pray the God heals your body! This is what I'm talking about, NEVER QUIT!!
  • adventuring
    adventuring Posts: 178
    Your post is really a bit unclear then, imho. You could have said all of those things without being a personal trainer, including that you motivate people to lose weight. Also, at one point you specifically mention posting threads. You might want to clarify, because people wasting your time and energy when it comes to training them by not putting forth an effort is an entirely different situation than the impression I got from what you said.
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    I understand what you are saying. I know lots of people who complain about being heavy but don't want to put in the work to lose weight. I had a friend tell me he & his wife want to lose weight & were looking for motivation. I told him I wanted to be healthy & look better & he said yeah but what motivated you. I wasn't sure what else to tell him lol. I guess you just have to be ready & want it.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    Brutal honesty works for me! Pity doesn't help me get any fitter! Thanks man.