Waterproof MP3 Player

I'm in the market for a MP3 player for swimming & have been hearing mixed reviews on different brands. Anyone have one they could recommend?


  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    I have an iPod shuffel that is waterproof. I got it off of amazon.com - if I remember it was about $160 but it is sooooo worth it! I love it.
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I have a SwimP3 that I absolutely love! The only minor hassle is converting songs from iTunes into mp3 files - but even that isn't a big deal. Love listening to music while swimming - makes the time fly by especially since I swim indoors in an Endless Pool - no flip turns, no change in scenery - it can get monotonous!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I have an ipod shuffle with a waterproof case. It clips onto my swimming goggles and has waterproof ear buds. However, it's a couple of years old.
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    i had no idea such thing even existed im so gonna be on the lookout for one now
  • aochss
    aochss Posts: 2
    I have had a SwimP3 for a about three years. it works by conducting the noise through your cheek bones. It really help solve the boredom of doing laps.

    - Easy to clip to any goggles.
    - Drag and drop MP3 files from your computer onto the device.
    - Works great for underwater strokes (front crawl, back stroke).
    - Easy to use controls.

    - Doesn't work as well for above water strokes (breast, fly). Ear plugs help
    - Reliability Issues. Some owners have reported that the units die earlier than expected.
    - Songs don't play in order that you would expect. It is Alphabetical.

    See reviews at:
