
Hello I am brand new to this site. So far I really like it a lot. I have set everything up and hope to get going with this weight loss thing. I am using my food diary not as a diary of what I am eating through out the day but as a meal planner for the day. I think this is going to help me much better.
I was at my dr.'s today and I am over the fence for type II diabetes. I told him I will not take anymore medication and I will be using diet. So I have 3 months to get my numbers in check. He is the one that gave me this website. I even have the app on my mobile phone.
So good luck to me and to everyone out there.


  • ivyvine22001
    ivyvine22001 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome! This is my first day as well.. after a 10lb gain this summer, I'm at my peak weight and need to lose that and some by the fall.

    Seems that this site is pretty informative for food and exercise journaling.

    Kudos to you for not taking any more medicine, rather fixing it with diet and exercise!

    BEST of luck to you!
  • monkeybusiness2806
    Welcome !! And best of lucK!