9-5 Challenge...Week 1 (closed group)



  • scooterboy2003
    Wed, july 27 Challenge weigh in

    Weight before doc says lose it 248.8
    Challenge beginning weight 234
    Current weight 230.8
    Challenge goal 220
    Ultimate goal 205
  • scooterboy2003
    Question of the Day: How often do you weigh yourself? And how does that affect your eating habits?

    Since deciding to lose weight, I weigh every morning and record in a journal. Then, if I am happy, I stick to my (new) routine. If not, I try to eat less or exercise more during the day.
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    I did great yesterday. Everything was logged. :D I just refuse to weigh myself right now. I'm trying to see how long I can go before I break down and finally weigh in. I like leaving some suspense to the scale. lol Usually I end up weighing myself at least 2-3 times a week. So I'm trying to change that. I think I had a bad sodium day on Monday. I put on like 4lbs of water weight. I know it came from the pickles. That's where pickles trick you. They are a low calorie, but a super HIGH sodium snack. And well, I had like 3 pickles on Monday. So I am going to wait a week or so before weighing myself. I am also watching my sodium intake carefully now. It makes a huge difference. :D

  • lovelyfacex3
    lovelyfacex3 Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh myself once a week on Friday mornings before breakfast. I measure myself every 2 weeks on Tuesdays!
  • scooterboy2003
    Did I do good?

    Splurged for mexican lunch with my wife. One chicken enchalada with red sauce, half of my refried beans, half of my rice, some dorito type chips with salsa, zero calorie unsweet tea. 540 calories. Did I do good?
  • lmontelongo1
    I weigh myself daily, even though I know I shouldn't. It helps to keep me motivated to make the right choices. So far, I have tracked everything I've eaten. I treated myself to a kid scoop of ice cream with my boys last night and was still well under my limit (after exercise) for the day.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I did eh today. Well under calories, not so much with food choices for the day. Good exercise though, my knee is killing me and my arms. Dang 100 push up challenge. But it'll be worth it.

    All in all, bleh day. Bleh mood.
  • PianoRaven
    PianoRaven Posts: 52
    Happy Thursday, everyone!

    We are all doing great! Even though some of us have made some less-than-perfect decisions (me, included!), we are all paying attention and learning how to make the plan work. And scooterboy, I think your Mexican lunch was a perfect example: instead of swearing off all restaurants, you went and made smarter choices. And (presumably), you were able to enjoy a meal out and not have to feel guilty about it. The only lasting plan is the one you can live with!

    My answer to yesterday's question is that I weigh everyday. I used to only weigh once a week, for fear of becoming scale-obsessed. But then I read about a recent study which suggests that people lose MORE when they weigh everyday. So I started doing that and I really think it helps keep me focused. I am able to see how different foods affect me, and make decisions accordingly. But again, the only plan that works is the one that works for YOU!

    :smile: Today is Grocery Day for me, so here is the Question of the Day: How do you plan your meals/shopping (ie, how often do you shop, do you plan your meals in advance, what do you do about snacks, etc)?
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    :smile: Today is Grocery Day for me, so here is the Question of the Day: How do you plan your meals/shopping (ie, how often do you shop, do you plan your meals in advance, what do you do about snacks, etc)?

    Sadly, there isn't too much planning that happens for me. Damn college studentness. I eat on campus. But when I do go shopping I try to get fruits and veggies....that's about it... Ha
  • DoctorWhoFan
    :smile: Today is Grocery Day for me, so here is the Question of the Day: How do you plan your meals/shopping (ie, how often do you shop, do you plan your meals in advance, what do you do about snacks, etc)?

    Sadly, there isn't too much planning that happens for me. Damn college studentness. I eat on campus. But when I do go shopping I try to get fruits and veggies....that's about it... Ha

    Ditto! It's difficult being a student, and even more difficult during the holidays. I've been travelling to and fro from university, to home, to summer schools, to visit friends...it's all a bit hectic. :-)
  • scooterboy2003
    How do you plan your meals/shopping (ie, how often do you shop, do you plan your meals in advance, what do you do about snacks, etc)?

    Ladies, I assure you that there is life after college! and especially college cafeterias!. My wife and I plan a week in advance the basic meals that we have for the coming week and shop accordingly once a week. My problem was (is) portion control. I do not eat that poorly, but I ate the typical american portion. NOT ANYMORE. :)
    For snacks, I usually eat fruit and yogurt now.:happy:
  • scooterboy2003
    Thurs, July 28 Challenge weigh in

    Weight before doc says lose it 248.8
    Challenge beginning weight 234
    Current weight 230.6
    Challenge goal 220
    Ultimate goal 205
  • scooterboy2003
    I just realized that I am the only weed in a challenge group full of roses. Thanks ladies, you are an encouragement to me!:flowerforyou:
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Basically what I do when I go shopping is look in the pantry and see what I have first and try to make meals with it. Otherwise, pull out the recipe cards and make a list from there. And sometimes I get frisky and go online in search of a new recipe.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I'm not weighing in til Monday because I will not be near a scale. But I did lose a few inches. 1 inch on each thigh, and half an inch on each arm. Also, I decided to try out IF (intermittent fasting) for this weekend. I haven't decided the window of eating quite yet.
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    I'm not weighing in til Monday because I will not be near a scale. But I did lose a few inches. 1 inch on each thigh, and half an inch on each arm. Also, I decided to try out IF (intermittent fasting) for this weekend. I haven't decided the window of eating quite yet.

    I'm so proud of you!!! That's awesome to lose that many inches. :) I'm not quite sure about this intermittent fasting, let me know how it goes.
  • lovelyfacex3
    lovelyfacex3 Posts: 68 Member
    Everyone! Time to brag. I did the 30DS day 2 level 1... and I can definitely feel and see improvements! I could basically do the whole workout. It sucked at the time, but I managed to actually complete it all. The first day I was burning so badly I had to stop a few times. Damn you, Jillian! But I can't wait to be on day 30 already and see results! It's a great workout.

    Oh btw today technically was my "rest day" but I did the 30ds because I want to do it in 30 days. So I ate pretty healthily but I STILL was under my calorie goal... dang. For the first time in my life it is hard to eat... I don't know if my body is getting used to normal eating or what!
  • scooterboy2003
    Fri, July 29 Challenge weigh in

    Weight before doc says lose it 248.8
    Challenge beginning weight 234
    Current weight 230.2
    Challenge goal 220
    Ultimate goal 205
  • lmontelongo1
    My husband and I grocery shop once a week, and I usually make stops during the week but am really trying to get away from that so stay on budget. I try to plan a week or two of meals at a time and then check the fridge and pantry to see what I already have on hand and go from there. We tend to stock up on meat once a month and make trips for fruit/veggies as needed. The biggest adjustment is that I am trying to limit carbs at night so I am planning meals that the family will like, but that I can enjoy as well. Tonight I'm making my son's favorite taco bake, so I will have an alternative dinner, but for the most part it has worked really well.
  • PianoRaven
    PianoRaven Posts: 52
    TGIF! Question of the Day: How do you stay on track during the weekend? Any special tips for dining out?

    lmontelongo1: The biggest challenge for me is having to cook for my family as well as prepare my own meals. My husband runs marathons and has an unbelievable metabolism; there are times when I am hard pressed to keep him fed! Plus, we have 3 young kids. That means I am always preparing a lot of food, and there are always snacks around. The easiest time I ever had losing weight was when my husband was at bootcamp for 2 months. Our oldest was only 4 months old and wasn't even eating solids yet. I only had to cook for myself and I was able to lose more than 20 lbs in 2 months!

    Lovelyface: Great job on the workout! I've heard really great things about the 30DS. I've been wanting to try it out; I guess I just need to suck it up and do it!