Pulled or strained calf? Help.

Hey guys,

Alright so I think I strained or pulled my calf muscle today at the gym or rather I think I made something worse while doin my HIIT. Yesterday at work I had knelt down and stretched forward feeling a sharp pain on the inside back of my calf which all my weight was on. Then my dumb butt forgot about it (honestly didn't hurt after a few hours) until 20 minutes into my sprint/walk HIIT work and my calf cramped up horribly. I got off and proceeded to limp around the gym for a moment before realizing that "oh hey, his might not be good." I can't really bend my foot much without calf pain to the point where it hurts to walk. I'd love to go to a doctor but alas being a poor college student means I can't afford it unless it's absolutely necessary. Earlier this year I messed up my Achilles tendon and after an 8 week rest I am really upset about possibly having to take a two week break but definitely will.

I wanted to know what you guys have done to help with a pulled calf (assuming that is what this is)? How can I heal as fast as possible? And what are some things I can do to substitute my sprinting HIIT (ie. elliptical, arc trainer, etc)?

Thanks guys!


  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Ice and rest. Elevate your leg, throw it on an ice pack, kick on Netflix and enjoy!
  • kamontoya777
    Ouch! I would try applying warm water compressess to the agrevated calf to help sooth the pain. For swelling and inflamation, (which you might have) follow up with a cold compress for approximately 15 minutes. Also try using an anti-inflammitory over-the-counter medication. Happy Landings!
  • goldnanoparticle
    goldnanoparticle Posts: 37 Member
    RICE it - Rest Ice Compression Elevation

    Works like a charm :smile:
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    Total rest is advised, so dont try to do any workouts until its better. Listen to your body, if it hurts(even just a lil), your making it worse. Why not take the opportunity to lift some hand weights etc?
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    RICE it - Rest Ice Compression Elevation

    Works like a charm :smile:

  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    I had a simliar injury last week in my left calf! I could barely walk!! The only thing I did was try to stay off of it...but with a toddler around that made it hard to do. So I did as much hydrating as I could and tried to make sure my protein level was up for muscle recovery. I'm not into taking pain relievers so that never really an option. I did try to stretch it out a few times throughout the day--it hurt a bit but afterward, it seemed to hurt less. I was back to running in about a week (the run following the injury was a SLOW pace and short distance though!!) I hope you feel better soon!

    p.s. Icing it didn't seem to work well for me--my pain was so deep!! But by all means--RICE does work miracles!! :happy:
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    you could need more potassium and more stretching, I used to have problems like that! More doctor told me I was working to hard without stretching properly or having enough potassium and water.... so eat up those bananas and make sure you stretch before and after! Get your muscles warm!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    alternate ice with heat waiting at least 20 min between each and elevation is good too, but I would also find a massage therapist if you dont have one. They know the muscles and have the ability to 'talk' to them to calm them back down. So i highly encourage it to get you back on your feet quicker. if you need to find one in your area that is licensed and continues their education www.amtamassage.org. My massage therapist is a lifesaver i think
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 179 Member
    Shouldn't have made that whirl pool in my pool! That's what caused it!