My Biggest issue with staying on track...



  • C110266Chris♥
    Thank you for responding :)

    I try to keep only healthy things in the home. I have 4 others there besides me though and I constantly hear that we have no food in the house because it's mostly just meals and fruits and veggies.

    I live with 5 others all morbidly obese (except for my little brother who's probably just overweight). We go out to eat A LOT because it's cheaper for my parents to feed them the quantity of food that they want. So, pretty much every night, I have to watch them eat burgers and french fries, pasta, mac and cheese, pizza, and dessert while I have a salad or just stay at home to cook my own meal. I've even worked out in the living room with them all sitting on the couch eating entire pizzas to themselves before. Now, that's ridiculous! But I've pushed through and lost 136 pounds. Some days, I admit it gets to me... But it'll be worth it in the end.

    Wow that is amazing. Unbelievable. You have alot of strength to keep at it. I get it. We rarely eat out and I am always on everyone about making better choices. I just wish I had someone along side of me like a personal coach...when i need the pushing. boo. Guess that is what this is for. Thank you and congratulations on your great success! I will keep at it.
  • C110266Chris♥
    I find that eating 6 meals per day and drinking lots of water helps me. Plus I get a snack around 7-8 pm so I'm not craving for food! :)

    Thank you for your ideas. What do you snack on around 7pm?
  • C110266Chris♥
    Your diary isn't available for viewing. It may have to do with the types of foods you are eating. I find that if I don't eat enough protein, especially early in the day, I start having cravings and think I'm hungry. You might try experimenting with your food choices to see what helps.

    I need to find more protien. I really believe that if we are hungry for sweets our body is craving more protien. I need to keep something simple on hand. I have natural peanut butter and honey in my drawer here at work. Hoping that helps. Honestly work days are easiest. It's when i get home at night i have issues and on the weekend that are not structured.
  • C110266Chris♥
    I agree with ahavoc about carbs. They will keep you hungry and craving more sugar. Try drinking a glass of water before giving in to the craving. Do you have any hobbies? Something to keep you busy and your mind off food. Take a walk, call a friend, read a book , work a crossword puzzle! Focus on your goals and why you want to achieve them. Keep raw veggies cut and ready to eat in the fridge... celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes... whatever you like. You can do this! ahavoc gives some great advice here too... it really is all about choices.

    Thank you for your thoughts. You are right. I need more hobbies, new local friends, etc.....things to keep me busy. You are so right!
  • C110266Chris♥
    You should look for the book Body for Life for Women at your local library-it has good tips on how to deal with the "not caring" attitude. I eat when I'm bored, stressed, tired, etc. and that book helped me open my eyes to ways I could avoid that. Some of her best tips include:

    signs you post on the fridge that say "The answer is NOT in here" and on your gym bag, yoga mat, whatever exercise thing you love that say "The answer IS in here". Even if you don't post the signs but repeat those mantras as you catch yourself walking to the kitchen, it might be enough to steer you away.

    Coming up with "run to" and "run from" statements. I kind of struggle with overeating to the point that I feel uncomfortably full, like I've suddenly grown a "Buddha belly". So my statement is "Run to feeling lean and mean, run from a Buddha belly!"

    Good luck with these struggles, I know for a fact it doesn't go away, but there are ways we can manage to treat ourselves as well as we deserve!

    I definitely will look for it! Thank you for you advice. So much of this is mental. If i can just keep on track that way I will be Great!
  • C110266Chris♥
    I understand exactly what you mean. It's the being hungry that bothers me more than anything. Every day I start out trying and by the end of the day, I quite often say "screw it". I need a food with NO calories.

    Same boat :) Well, maybe we can give each other some extra motivation. Add me if you like :) I need as much motivation, ideas, tips as the next guy. I am going to check into the success stories. That may help me too. Thank you for commenting. It helps!