Hi, finally poked around this site.

I am 5' 8" and 175-180 (depends on which scale i step on) obesity runs rampant in my family. I'm hoping to beat the odds.
I use to be in the service and 115-120lbs due to the excessive exercise. Due to an upper body injury I was booted out.
gain to much wait and now I am going to get back down to 145( i feel comfy there and all my size 8 pants will fit again)
oh yeah after christmas I was 210 and proceed to work my fat off before school started for spring semester. lost 30lbs in 1 month due to 2hrs exercising and cutting my food consumption in half. that was not healthy. now with this site helping me track I can be successful with loss of 35-30lbs


  • Kitty412
    Kitty412 Posts: 152
    Welcome and good luck!
  • rebsaganes
    rebsaganes Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome, you are in the right place. I'm having great success here & the support is fantastic. Remember you will get out of it what you put into it. Good luck. You can add me as a friend if you like:flowerforyou:
  • feistyattitude
    Welcome! Wishing you much success...I know you can do this!! I am also 5'8 and when I was younger always weighed around 118 to 120. My lowest weight as an adult was 115. My highest weight which was probably about a year ago, even higher than any of my pregnancies, was 178 : ( I have been using this sight for about a month and a half or so. I have lost between 11-15 pounds in the last couple of months. I weighed around 170 when I started on here and am at about 159 now. I will send a friend request as I think it is cool that we are so close in height, weight, and goals. Looking forward to sharing the journey and celebrating our successes and helping encourage one another if the need arises.