Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control



  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    Just wanted to check on you two and see how you are doing.......
  • I'm a little late in posting it, but here's where we stand for week 4


    I'm doing much better this week than last! I was able to resist temptation of eating sweets last night! A HUGE victory! I've started on phase 3 of P90X and am seeing great results with how much stronger I have become! The workouts are so much easier now! I hope you guys are doing well too! :bigsmile:
  • I guess I'll have to resize it!
  • Let's try this again!

  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am so sorry. I forgot to post my Monday weigh-in. I was 109.8lbs.

    It's harder this week to workout as DH is starting p90x. So we are alternating days when he exercises as soon as he gets home and I exercise after, and days when I exercise first. Our toddlers make it impossible for us to workout at the same time. But I am committed.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327


    It's been an interesting week, ladies! Three groups gained weight this week. I guess we can take comfort in knowing we're not alone, but it's time to re-focus and remember that every day counts!

    I'd like to give a special shout-out to Group 5, who only had 3 members weighing in, but they lost a total of 8.2 pounds! WAY TO GO! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks for showing us how it's done.

    Group 4 is also the leader of the pack. ALL members checked in this week, making them the ONLY group whose members have checked in every week since the challenge started. They also have the biggest numbers in total weight loss and % to GW. WAY TO GO!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I've decided to stop tracking Group 6, since no members have checked in since July. There also are a handful of other members who haven't checked in since week 1. If the group captains decide to stop tracking them, let me know, as those numbers are effecting your "% to GW" group numbers.

    Let's go, Hot Moms!!
    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
  • Hi guys. Sorry I'm letting the team down stat-wise. I think you guys should just cross me off the list.

    I battled with an eating disorder for many years and had recovered, and this time was losing weight 'the healthy way' but unfortunately I have relapsed. I shouldn't be part of your group any more. Sorry for the inconvenience and good luck to all of you yummy mummies.
  • It's weigh in day again! I weighed in at 118.6 this morning! Yeah!
    I will probably be a little MIA for a week or 2. Today is my 1st day back at work. Hope you guys are doing well!
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    good job! And good luck going back to work. I still have about two weeks before I return to work.

    I stayed the same this week: still 110lbs.

    I'm just happy this week didn't set me back. I had my birthday and anniversary this week, plus camping trip. I thought for sure all the sweets and eating out would have seen a gain.

    It's a new week....
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am back up to 110.2lbs. My mother-in-law went on vacation, so I am playing SAHM this week. This weekend had been hard since there were family celebration and baby shower. Lots of food and no time to exercise. This week is a new week. I am going to get my workouts in during nap time since I have to cook dinner. MIL usually cook dinner for the whole family. Wish me luck.

    Great job, Kim.

    rkeaton - Happy Belated Birthday and Anniversary.

    Let's DO this.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    We’ve “whittled” down our numbers, ladies! We started out with 74 members on July 18. Now, 4 weeks later, we are down to 60. A couple of group captains dropped inactive members (those who haven’t checked in for 2 or more weeks). One member is also celebrating a pregnancy and is no longer being tracked.

    Check out our weekly update below:

    No group gains this week, and that’s a large improvement from last week! Yay, Hot Moms!!

    This chart is SO condensed that it’s difficult to see the personal progress members are making. After 4 weeks, I thought it would be helpful to provide some performance feedback. Let’s use these numbers to better understand where we are and to help us get to where we want to be.

    First, let’s recognize the 16 moms who are on track to reach their 12/31/11 goal weights. (Chart organized by group #.)

    Special Shout-Out to :flowerforyou: swimmom2 :flowerforyou: for reaching 50% already! You’re half-way there!!

    There are also 19 moms who are 50-97% towards their 12/31/11 goal weights. Here they are below:

    That leaves us with 25 moms who are 0-49% towards their 12/31/11 goal weights. No reason to list them – they know who they are. :tongue: This includes me, Hot Moms.

    To give you my numbers, my SW was 199.0, and I have lost a grand total of 1.8 lbs since July 18. If I continue down this path, I will lose a total of 10.4 lbs by December 31, which is only 28% of the weight I need to lose to reach my GW. Considering this feedback, I have 2 options: (1) Change my 12/31/11 GW to 188.6 so I can be on track to reach my GW, or (2) Kick it up a notch, eat clean, exercise hard, and start losing more than a pound a week so that I can get to my original 12/31/11 GW. For me, I choose option 2. These past 4 weeks were hard, due to family outings and sickness, so I’m hopeful my numbers will improve. I recognize that there are just under 20 weeks left in the year. I only need to lose 1.6 lbs a week to obtain my GW, so I believe it’s still possible; therefore, my GW stays the same (for now).

    Now take a moment to review your numbers. Are you on track? If not, do you want to adjust your 12/31/11 GW? If yes, don’t sweat it! It’s all about using this feedback to help you get where you want to be. Remember, there is no such thing as failure – only feedback; only results.

    Let's go, Hot Moms!!
    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Random Rambling Hot Moms (Closed)
    Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
    Group 10
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    Happy Monday. My weight has stayed the same: 110lbs. I took a major cheat day yesterday and just feel sluggish today. Hope you are both off to a better start!
  • Well, today's a new day!

    I've been doing well since going back to work. I've been having to get up way too early to work out. (4:45 this morning!) I know that I won't do it after school, so it's my only option! My husband is loving it! He's a morning person and I so am NOT! I only have 3 more weeks of P90X! I've already seen good results!

    This morning I weighed in at 117.8. I was a little disappointed, since I weighed 117.1 the other day, but it's slowly coming off. 2.8 more lbs!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Kim - you are doing great.

    I didn't get much workouts last week. Today I weighed in at 110.6lbs. I am starting 30 days slim down over since I went a week without formal workouts. I did day 1 today.
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    Great week Kim, especially since you've gone back to work!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    Hello, Hot Moms!! Check out the weekly stats below.


    Another interesting week! Sometimes we lose together, and we gain together.

    Here's a quick summary of the past 5 weeks.


    We have fewer and fewer members reporting each week, and as a result, our weekly weigh-ins are suffering. We seem to have lost that Week 1 & Week 2 momentum, where each group saw BIG numbers. Now we're not even averaging a 1/2 lb per member weekly weight loss!


    Many of us had end of the summer barbecues, as well as school start days for our kids. Life's been busy, and our schedules are changing. It's time to regroup and refocus!


    Let's make this week our new "Week 1." Jump in with the same GUNG HO you had 5 weeks ago!

    We can do this, HOT MOMS!!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Very good group 10! and I love the new name for the group :) You girls are almost done reaching your goal, keep up!

  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    We are a pretty quiet group ... I hope you both are doing well. This time of year is just soooo busy.

    I weighed in at 109 today. I was pretty suprised as I have really slacked off, both on what I eat and on exercise. But mental work burns calories, too, right? My goal this week is to balance everything better.

    Have a great week!

  • I agree on the being soooo busy! I was pretty bad when it comes to eating this weekend. We went out with friends on Friday and had a BBQ on Saturday and a pot luck on Sunday. Lots of high calorie foods! I weighed in at 118.8 this morning, so some of that food is catching up to me! LOL! Hopefully this next week will be better!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    Hello, Hot Moms!! Check out the weekly stats below.


    We have lost over 200 pounds!!

    Here's a quick summary of the past 6 weeks. I re-did the numbers to account for all the late check-ins.


    Way to knock it out of the park!! As a group, we lost more pounds this week than the previous 4 weigh-ins! This is going to make a HUGE difference in reaching our goal weights by New Year’s.

    Is anyone wondering what happened to Group 5? Their captain hasn’t checked in since August 1, and they only had a couple of members who checked in regularly. Their posts were fewer and coming days apart, and I was afraid we’d lose them. Group 7 “adopted” the active Group 5 members – :flowerforyou: many THANKS to Group 5's captain, wanna_be_fit!!:flowerforyou: And look what happened when the groups joined together!


    As a combined group, these ladies are losing more together than they were apart! And they are more active on their group postings as well. Having a larger active group can make a big difference. If you want to see how the other groups are doing, then check out their threads below.

    Have a great week, Hot Moms!!

    GROUP 1:

    GROUP 2:

    GROUP 3:

    GROUP 4:

    GROUPS 5 & 6 – Discontinued. Active members of Group 5 moved to Group 7.

    GROUP 7:

    GROUP 8:

    GROUP 9:

    GROUP 10:
This discussion has been closed.