Runners: Shin Splints

utes09 Posts: 561 Member
I've been seriously running for the past year and half. I have fitted shoes and orthotics.

Recently I've been getting horrible shin splints about a mile and a half into my running. The other day they were so bad I was almost crying. What's weird is that the pain in my shin almost seems worse when I slow down to walk. With each step (walking) I have a pulsing pain on each shin. It feels like the muscle is separating from the shin bone as I strike with my heel.

I haven't changed my running routine/distance/course which I know can be common causes of shin splints. I don't know if this is a sign to get some new shoes (I usually go about 6 months between shoes, due for a new pair in Sept).

Any insight or suggestions would be appreciated. It's really frustrating that I can barely make it 2 miles per run right now. I used to be running 4-6 miles a run before this.


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I wonder if you have a stress fracture. You shouldn't be bothered by shin splints until you change your routine. Give it a few more weeks and if you do not see any improvement you should go have x-rays taken. Better to find out now and get proper rest than have more complications later on. I hope everything gets better.
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    are you over tightening your shoes laces? and I asume you do all the correct stretches and warm up before setting off.
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    Yeah I do stretching and a warm up and then stretches before.

    Nothing has change....maybe the fact that it's summer and I wear flip flops more, but that's it. Could that be the issue??
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I wonder if you have a stress fracture. You shouldn't be bothered by shin splints until you change your routine. Give it a few more weeks and if you do not see any improvement you should go have x-rays taken. Better to find out now and get proper rest than have more complications later on. I hope everything gets better.

    I agree. I've had a stress fracture and it feels sort of like what you're describing. Then after you rest for a bit, it feels fine, until the next workout. I didn't rest mine like I should've and then it was REALLY bad and it was 6 months before I could run again without my ankle swelling up like a balloon. (My stress fracture was in my ankle.)
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    REST. You're probably causing a great deal of damage by continuing to run on your shin splints. Ice those puppies, take some Advil, and rest. Try biking, or swimming, something with low impact on the shins to do your cardio instead. Otherwise you're risking stress fractures.

    Anyway, if you're putting more miles on your shoe than before, you might need to change them. If you amped up your workout in some way, that can also cause it. I'd do a full week of rest (yes, this has happened to me before) and see how you feel then. If it's still excruciating, then you should definitely see a doctor about it.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I feel your pain! Shin splints are supposed to be a "beginner's" injury, but I've run a number of marathons and still get them.

    Obviously make sure you don't have a stress fracture or anything, but assuming you don't have anything like that, my recommendations are:

    -Stretch your calves a lot! When I'm getting a flare up I stretch them a little every mile or so, and it helps.

    -Strengthen your tibia. My trainer told me that shin splints are often caused by a muscle imbalance--your calves get to be stronger than your tibia (essentially your shin muscle) and then your calf muscles start to pull on your tiba. If you have access to a good gym they might have this machine here that you can use something like the Tibia Dorsi Calf Machine
    shown here: Something else that will mimic that motion should also do the trick, I use resistance bands sometimes.

    Good luck!
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    Ugh a stress fracture is my fear....I don't do well with rest. I have to be moving. Maybe I'll stick to the elliptical for the next week for cardio and my workout videos.

    I was thinking about the muscle imbalance issue as well but I don't have access to a gym so I'll look for at home exercises to try and strengthen my tibia muscle more. Damn calf muscle getting all the attention while running.

    I think the only thing different in my workout the past 4 months has been my mileage per run. I used to run about 3-4 miles about 4 times a week and now it's more like 4-6 4 times a week. So maybe I'll take it easy this week, see how it goes next week and then plan on seeing a Dr and getting new shoes.

    Now if anyone know of a money fairy or tree to help with these expenses please send them my way :)

    Thanks for all the suggestions and input.