Paleo Diet -- Newbie! (primal, caveman etc.)

I am considering making the switch to the paleo diet (caveman...primal...whatever you want to call it) and am looking for some advice, information on what to expect in the "detox stage", suggestions on great recipes or just general support! I am most concerned about the prep time this type of lifestyle entails (mostly what to pack for lunch that isn't salad all day every day!) and how to manage it in social settings. However, my boyfriend has been doing it for several months now and has promised to help out so I think I can do it! He has seen the benefits and has this pizza/cookie/crusty bread lover thinking he had it right all along!

For anyone who isn't too familiar with this lifestyle (i'm no expert -- this is just my impression of what i have read so far! others please feel free to comment!), the goal is to cut out all processed foods and "eat like a caveman." However, that is not meant in the literal sense -- its more an example that people can understand!! You should be eating meat, seafood, veggies, eggs, fruits, nuts and plant-based oils. It is not a "low-carb" diet -- natural carbs in fruit and vegetables are allowed within reason -- but since most traditional grains are processed you end up cutting most of those out (bread, baked goods etc). It also encourages you to stay away from processed sugar. In short -- if it comes in a box or bag...or if it has more than a couple ingredients...or anything you can't pronounce -- DON'T EAT IT! Focus on whole, natural foods and "cleanly."

There are a variety of different approaches to this lifestyle. Personally, I am taking the 80/20 route (at least to start!) because I think it is the only way I will be able to maintain it. The philosophy behind that is that you will see 99% of the benefits by eating paelo 80% of the time (from one of the founders of the diet). So you can give yourself a small treat during the day, or save up and have one big cheat day a week (if you have a party or something). My understanding is that the further along you are in this plan, the less likely you are to really take advantage of this because you actually start to notice how these foods make you feel -- which is not good. For now, I think I need to ease my way in so that I don't go crazy and quit!

I am also including dairy -- which not everyone does. I plan to drink organic whole milk on occasion, and continue to eat organic cheese and greek yogurt in moderation. I know these are technically "processed" but to me, this is where that "eat like a caveman is an example not a law" aspect comes in. Also...I plan to limit alcohol consumption but not ban it entirely. I am a 24 year old girl living in a major city -- its just not feasible for me! But whenever possible I plan to choose wine and will consider this part of my 20%. I'm not a coffee person, so no issues there -- but I will still drink plain green tea from time to time (no sugar, no milk etc).

Last point -- I do intend to keep counting calories as I want to lose weight. I understand that true paleo doesn't focus on portion sizes or calorie counting, because eating foods like this tend to fill you up quicker and longer so your body does the regulating for you. They say it is not really intended as a diet so don't treat it as such...more as a lifestyle that just so happens to make you healthier, leaner and meaner! Until I get the hang of it, I just want to make sure I am not overdoing it on heavy fat things like nuts, cheese or red meats.

ADVICE, SUGGESTIONS, RECIPE IDEAS AND GENERAL SUPPORT ARE WELCOME!!! (feel free to add me as a friend and you can review my diary as a start down this road!) :happy:


  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    TONS of info over at!
  • Gennawest
    Gennawest Posts: 171

    I guess I am doing something similar to this right now. I think it is called the four hour body diet. Or something. Basically, I will be eating only slow carbs. (whatever those are). I am only doing this for a week or so. I have 15 lbs until I hit my goal weight and I am hoping this will jump start my weight loss again. These last 15 lbs are brutal. This is day two for me. Paleo sounded familiar as I had read a post earlier about this being similar to what I am doing.
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    I am following a primal-like diet. I say give it a try and see how you like it. I definitely went through carb withdrawal for the first few weeks. I had headaches and felt really tired all the time. That eventually went away and I started feeling normal again. I don't feel the extreme energy people claim and haven't seen dramatic results (yet). But I do notice that I have no stomach irritation and my digestion is better when on it. I need to get a little stricter with it before I can give a real opinion on what it does for me. I cheated a lot at first but am getting on track. I tried a stricter paleo diet at first but got too bored. I find primal works better because it allows dairy if your body can handle it. I find I have no issues with goat's milk products so I favor those over cow's millk. Plus I never liked meat enough to eat large amounts of it. Having a little dairy here and there gives me an extra protein source. I recommend checking out, Robb Wolf's site, or whole9. They are great sources of information. I know a lot of people who have tried paleo(ish) diets and they all say positive things.
  • skinnyjeans1224
    skinnyjeans1224 Posts: 76 Member
    Very interesting. i'm going to check into this as i've been wanted to look into organic, no processed food eating. I say go for it and see how you feel. I bet you feel a lot better.
  • TexasAustinite
    I've been following a paleo diet for a few weeks now and I feel great! Tons of energy and a brightness to my skin. I am relatively new to MFP and am looking for friends who are also paleo focused....
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    It's been working out great for me. I like to refer to it as the "no bad carb" diet.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I've been following this type of diet since mid march ... You can read my profile. I feel great and encourage the curious to give it a try for 30 days. It's not about weight loss, it's about being healthy.