cheese fiend seeks support

Hello, My name is Chrissy, I'm 25 and I am trying (this time successfully) to lose some weight (and keep it off) and improve my fitness (being able to run further than 20 feet without colapsing in a sweaty heap etc). Before ,when I started diets if I have failed to lose 6 stone in the first week I have simply given up, feeling that it doesn't work. This time I've decided to be a bit more positive and in 2 weeks have managed to rid myself of 6lbs :) I have quite a long way to go, but am determined to remain positive and make this the last diet I ever have to do! Would like to chat to anyone in a similar boat (or that was once in a similar boat) for inspiration and motivation :) x


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    the longer you do it the easier it will get!

    exersice and routine are key.....
    and plan ahead ALWAYS

    and dont keep cheese in the house if you are a born again mouse! lol
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Congrats to finding this place! you will succeed with MFP..

    Just a word to the wise.. something that I figured out once I got here.

    In order for this "diet" to be your last, you must change this diet and make it a lifestyle...

    Only life long changes will indeed change you... Diets last temporarily lifestyles last forever.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Welcome! I also have a serious cheese addiciton, even though I am horribly lactose intolerant. It is just soooooo good.... Feel free to add me as a friend, if you want! :-)