C25K question

KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
Hey all -

The way it has you start out is intervals of walking at a brisk pace and then jogging.

I'm curious to know, I started the brisk walking at 3.5mph but when I would try the jogging part, I'd up it to 4mph and couldn't keep up long term so eventually gave up after having to repeat the 1st week 3 times.

I'm curious what speeds you're doing and how much of a difference you're putting between the brisk walk and the jog part because after being able to start jogging for a mile on the treadmill at a time and half a mile on pavement I'd like to see how I would do with the program again.

Thanks so much!


  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    When I first started, I did the same thing. I have rather short legs, to 4mph is a jog for me! I run at 5mph and it feels fast! So, I think it just depends on your stature and obviously how in-shape you are to what you will feel comfortable with! So I think doing what feels comfortable for YOU is what is best!
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    Just start slower then....

    I also recommend not running on a treadmill when you first start...start on the road or a trail. That way you can just run or walk what works for you, not how fast the belt is going.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I am only 5'1", and when I do the C25K I start my brisk walk at 3.4 and my jog is 3.8. 4mph is too fast and I lose my focus and don't keep my good running posture, leading to sore muscles and labored breathing. But just test speeds out for yourself and see what works best. Everyone has to start somewhere. I think most of the time we are too hard on ourselves and think we are disappointing ourselves. Every step is a victory!
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    The walking I do at 3.5 and the jogs I do at 4.5 mph & that's where I have stayed throughout. In charting my progress, it doesn't seem like I'm achieving the pace that I should be at Wk 4 but frankly what matters to me right now is that I am DOING it. I have stalled a bit in the program because I had taken a couple days off and when I got back into Wk 4, I really had a hard time with the 5 min jogs. My plan was to re-start Wk 4 this week (setting me behind a week), and I'm still having some trouble.

    I didn't start C25K with any ideas of doing a 5K, I just wanted to get started doing something fun and challenging... and I have loved it! Everyone I have talked to says to take it slow and pace yourself. Listen to your body and you should be fine. Good luck with it! :)
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    When I first started, I did the same thing. I have rather short legs, to 4mph is a jog for me! I run at 5mph and it feels fast! So, I think it just depends on your stature and obviously how in-shape you are to what you will feel comfortable with! So I think doing what feels comfortable for YOU is what is best!

    I agree. I did my walking at 3.5 and started jogging at 4.5, by the time I was in weeks 6-9 I was doing 4.8-5.0 runs.
    (One time I was running next to a guy running at 7.0 & we were in synch with our feet. I just had little strides & his were long!)
  • LosinMama2b
    I agree with thefreemans28...I started off trying to walk super fast but when I got to the running I realized I wasn't any faster. So I've actually slowed myself down on the walks (the walks are there to slow your heart rate so you're ready for the runs) so that I know I can do the runs. Now that I'm on week 6 of C25k, I'm running more than walking so I don't worry about the speed I'm walking and just make sure my run speed is at 4mph or higher. It sometimes goes below that when I'm running up a big hill...but once I"m up and over the hill I make sure to get my speed back up. I'm not fast AT ALL...so its definitely about going your own pace. I've heard that after you practice and can do the full 30 minute run that eventually your body gets really efficient at it and that's when you can start upping your speed. So don't worry about speed yet. Just concentrate on accomplishing the week. I repeated several weeks too just to make sure I was being safe.
  • JoBFit
    JoBFit Posts: 81
    When I first started there was so little difference between my walking and jogging but I kept going. After about 3 weeks I did begin to notice that I was running faster and walking faster too! I would say don't worry about the speed- just keep with the program and you will see differences!
    Good luck with it. I did my first 5K this month in 27.5 minutes. When I started out I never imagined I could do that!
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I think this will vary greatly depending on height and fitness level. I am 5'3 and I just started the C25K. My walk is at 2.8 and my jog is at 3.5. I just go with what I can sustain for a period of time. Once I get the jogging down, I will add speed. Too much at once is overwhelming...
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I'm a bit (ok a lot) short as well - Walking 3.0, Jogging 4.0... I've decided it's about endurance, not speed. :ohwell:
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    For me there is still hardly a difference. When I began, my walk was 3.3 my "jog" was 3.6. As long as you are moving faster than a walk, you are technically jogging - even if a person in a walker is faster!

    I am now up to 3.5 walk and 3.8-3.9 "jog" and I am proud of that!