Tell me what you think, I really am at a loss...



  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    agree with what a lot of people said.
    i wish you luck, and yes it does take time. but don't lose hope... and when you need more motivation and support come back here - that's what we are here for. :)
  • DECAFLiving
    DECAFLiving Posts: 31 Member
    I feel your pain! I'm 3 weeks in and gaining not losing. But I know it will eventually come off if I stick to doing it consistently!

    But having been at goal before I think you need to eat more and thats more natural food! Def more vegetable and fruit (remembers it's high in sugar so dont go overboard!) If you look at my diary I eat a loads of food and usually at the 1400 cal mark. I like to look at what other people eat its great for idea's!

    Been reading the other posts and there is a lot on not having diet pop (something I am going to try cut out).

    Prep and planning is key you have to do it!

    Good luck!
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    Speaking for myself, it took me almost a month to even lose 1 lb. This was while working out about 4 days a week and watching my calories strictly. It's going to be a different process for everyone. I wouldn't carve in stone necessarily every bit of advice thrown your way. What I had to keep in mind (when it wasn't coming off), that this can't be worse than giving up. It's a good habit to form. With patience, it has slowly (very) started coming off.

    Now I'd advise you to take this piece of advice with a grain of salt. Because there are people who will swear by eating 'clean' and working out 90 minutes 6 days a week. For me, it didn't start coming off until I scaled back my exercise. I was working off way too many calories and was so full throughout the day with 600-700 to spare. I started going to the gym 2-3 times a week and doing on average a 500 cal workout, sometimes slightly more. Doing this, I was able to eat back at least half of my exercise calories. I also started making a protein shake to help me do that. I've been consistently losing 1-2 lbs since then. I still go out once a week and have my occasional lean cuisines (not the most 'clean' thing, but I view it as taking small steps where I can). EDIT: Wanted to add that if you can burn a 1000 a day and are ABLE to eat most of those back healthily, wtg! But I simply couldn't afford to buy that much food (still can't), so I did what I could to scale it down and make it doable.

    From looking at your diary, you make some really good choices, greek yogurt, etc some days, but then you'll throw in fast food and Red Baron pizzas occasionally. Until I stopped getting fast food and substituting things I used to eat with healthier versions, the weight did not come off. Not sure if anyone has said yet, the salt will make you retain water (which means it'll look like you weigh more). Give the lower sodium someone suggested a try (most fast food-even subway-and restaurants have very high sodium), you seem to be doing good with water intake. You need to give it more time, so you see what works for you. Stick with it.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Well you're way off from your calorie target just about every day, so that is likely an issue....
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    I agree with what everyone else has suggested - eat your minimum calories at least, log everything, stay away from processed food as much as possible.

    One other suggestion - you may want to alter your diary so that you are tracking fiber. If you eat so that you are getting at least 20g of fiber daily (without supplementing with psyllium or something), it is a good indication that you are eating clean (because processed foods as a rule have relatively little fiber).

    Your schedule is crazy busy - I don't know how you do it. I think it might work for you to have one "prep day" where you cook healthy meals and pack them in containers for the week. Get a large lunch bag(I love my Built lunch bag - made from neoprene and fits a lot) and a couple of those blue bags you freeze to keep your stuff cold. In the morning on your way out just put your prepacked containers in there.

    Good luck to you. I think you are amazing to add taking care of yourself on to being a full time mom, student, and employee!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    What ^^ they said, plus,

    Be patient. It takes my body 2 weeks to even begin to consider the chance that I might possibly, maybe, be at a deficit that eventually, could conceivably result in a teeny tiny bit of weight loss. Perhaps. And then it's another week or two before the swoosh occurs. So don't give up, hang in there.

    And log everything.
    And eat enough.

    You have to lose, if you're honest and doing the above three things.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Nutrition is the most important factor while you're trying to lose weight - and if you are logging everything you are eating, you are not eating enough, at all. Eat closer to your calorie target and you will likely see changes happening then. Less processed foods, more fresh stuff.