
jb82384 Posts: 6
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to this site although not new to dieting! On January 10th I decided to change everything about my life. I was going through a divorce and decided that it was time to take control of my life. I realized that I was unhappy. The divorce was civil and we still remain friends but I could not look at myself in the mirror without crying. I was single again and how could I find someone that loved me if I could not even look in the mirror without crying. I felt disgusting. After having my daughter in 2008 I ballooned to a whopping 265 lbs. I had never been that big and although I realized I was getting bigger, it did not seem like it was that much. I decided to make a change. I was going to bring out the inner skinny girl in me and look at myself in a whole new way! On January 10th I decided that I was going to go on a diet, start going to Zumba, quit smoking and have a positive outlook on life. (I know...I have never been one to take on only one thing at a time. I threw myself into loosing weight and before I knew it, I had lost 24 lbs. I felt better but I knew that I had done amazingly well and stuck with it and I was seeing results! I quit smoking no problems...just put them down. I have REALLY enjoyed Zumba and found an instructor that honestly cares about the people she teaches and not just the paycheck she gets. She now teaches 3 classes a week at the local high school and her husband helps her. I have never been the type of person to do 'group' exercise nor did I like to go to the gym and workout in front of ANYONE so I was very skeptical. I am so glad I took that step. I found a whole support group and Keli (the instructor) is amazing. If ever I am feeling down about my weight loss or need tips on anything, she is there! As of today I have lost a total of 85 lbs and still counting. I would love to get down to 145 or maybe even smaller but right now 145 seems to feel right! I hope that anyone who reads this realizes that they can do this and not to give up. Find your support system. Find what makes you happy and what motivates you. My motivation was the want to look in the mirror and say im beautiful. Not to mention the beautiful 2 year old daughter that always looks at me and tells me how pretty I am.


  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome aboard! You will find an amazing support system here. I have been on my journey since Sept 2010 and have lost almost 50 lbs (6 lbs until my original goal, but will probably go farther). I am also going through a divorce. I kicked my husband to the curb because I believe I deserve better after losing almost 50 lbs. I will add you for extra support/encouragement!!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Oh, and I should add congrats on the 85 lbs lost so far!!!
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