I need a shot of motivation!!

I'm not going to lie, I have not been doing that great of a job at reaching my goal. I haven't been exercising like I should be, my eating hasn't been that bad, but it's not great either. I usually go for walks at lunch, which if the weather is good I will still do. But I'm not doing my DVD's or my weight lifting like I need to. I am about 10 lbs away from my goal, and it's so discouraging to be so close but have no motivation. I'm not sure why or when I lost my motivation?!?!? This morning I had the perfect opportunity to work out, my husband had to be at work at 5 and I was wide awake at 4:30...I even said I should work out, I'll be proud of my self and will have tons of energy for the rest of the day, so what do I do??? I roll over and go back to sleep. I think what may be helping me lose motivation is, my mom is super skinny, unhealthy skinny and I do NOT want to look like her. She is 5'4 and weighs maybe 90lbs. I'm 5'1 and as of this morning I weigh 111. And everytime I go over to my folks, my mom tells me I shouldn't lose anymore weight, and then there is my brother who lives with them, he tells me I'm too skinny, I need to eat...then tell's me I look good. And I was visiting my folks while they were camping this weekend, and their friends were telling me I shouldn't lose anymore....I ask my husband who sees me naked, and see's I have alot of fat around my mid-section...I have a pooch and still have a muffin top, granted they both are alot smaller. I read that weight around your mid-section is unhealthy, it's harder on your heart, which I already have a pretty serious heart condition, so I want to lose the mid-section fat, so my heart doesn't have to work harder than it already does. And since he wants me around for a while, he knows I need to lost this fat...but my family doesn't get it. He says it's because they are jealous, they see me actually doing something about my weight. My mom can't gain weight and my brother is about 50-75lbs overweight. So somehow I need to get back on this wagon and get rid of this belly fat!!!! But how can I get my motivation back and get back to eating healthier??? Any thoughts, suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!! :smile:


  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    I'm having a problem with motivation lately as well; especially since I gained back some weight being on medication that apparently increases your appepite unbeknown to me. Now I'm getting discouraged but I'm still not totally happy either.

    All I can say is, we have to keep our goal in mind and even if we don't do what we need to today there is always tomorrow and we need to start over. Maybe we could start slowly again, like in the beginning of our journey and work our way up once again. Good luck to you! I know I need it too.
  • ohpurdysure
    Buddy up with someone, talk it out.. My motivation comes from the fact that Im not starting over, Im in this for the rest of my life and some days will be better than others and if you want to sleep at 4 in the morning then sleep and get a work out somewhere else in your day but yes be honest with yourself because shes all that matters.. and you can do anything you want to do !!!
  • TinaBernal
    TinaBernal Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Anita,
    Wow, Its amazing how many woman feel the same way. I agree with your post!! No one can relate, who is the one looking at themselves in the mirror. i have been 60 lbs over weight and with exercising and starvation it came off. However it was many yrs ago and I did not lose it the proper way. Today at 43 years young I am a happy 115 lbs fit and toned, why because i didnt listen to the negativity all around me. I decided to set realistic goals, find support and commit to a lifestyle change.
    After 1yr of this commitment I decided to coach others to reach their goals. It was challenging but i always had my goals in front of me to motivate and inspire me to be better.
    I would like to help you succeed at a healthy fulfilling life.
    You can email me at coachtinabernal@hotmail.com and i can coach you for FREE!
    Lets do this together!
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    one day at a time
    a bad day is just that, a DAY.
    this is for life.
    take a step back and think BIG PICTURE... imagine yourself in 5 years....
    if you have a slip up, it will not matter long term as long as you keep plucking away at the end goal...
    oh, and PS. the end is never really the "end" as this is a life long journey.

    you can do this!!!!!!! the power is within yourself, no one else can do it for you... no amazing products are good enough. without your blood, sweat, and tears.... it will not happen. YOU are the magic ingredient.