Anyone 5'3'' and 162 lbs?

If your weight ranges around mine... what good tips can you give me to lose weight?
I really need the help! :(
I'm 20 years old and currently weigh 162 lbs.. I want to weigh at least 125lbs.. :) That would b a dream come true! Thats how important it is to me..


  • c00ncc
    c00ncc Posts: 55
    I was doing great on my diet until recently when i found out i was preggo again...LOL

    but I am around 5'3" and need to exercise everyday atleast 30 mins...i was eating no more then 1000 calories a day and did not eat the calories burned in working out....up to date i've lost 25 lbs sine the middle of May.

    You can do just get focused and strict on yourself.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm 5'4" and weigh 175. A few of the things that helped me are:

    Drink plenty of water.
    Put down the pasta and cheese and measure out one serving of everything you put into your mouth and log it.
    It's okay to have a cheat day, but don't get crazy with it.
    Fruits and veggies make a big difference and can help fill you up.
    Don't go below 1200 calories or in a few days, you will find yourself binging on anything (this is a big one with me)
    Don't be afraid to lift weights and add some strength training. You'll be surprised at the amazing results and will not bulk up.
    It took about 2 weeks for me to see any weight come off, so don't give up if it takes a while.
    And take your measurements. You can lose inches without losing weight and any loss is motivating. And I guess I could add take some before pictures into this as well. I'm glad I did because I wasn't really seeing a difference until I compared them and it was very motivating.
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I was your weight a year ago and took up running but still couldn't lose those last 10lbs. I found a great home workout - Turbofire and started that and drinking Shakeology and lost those LBS in 6 weeks and have kept it off since November.

    I recommend both to anyone that asks!!
  • Bigtunatina
    My starting weight was 168 ish and I am 5'3 and I was about a size 9-11?

    Though 125 is a great goal, it helps to be realistic as to not fail. My goal was just to lose weight and wanted to get to 130. I got down to 135 and only was able to maintain that for about a week.

    I started going to the gym in Jan and since then I been steady around 140-145 but with no changes in my clothes, I am about a size 4-6 now.

    I know most everyone says its not the number on the scale and it really isn't but I still obsess over it. I hate that I am in my "140s" but I look the same and my clothes are the same and I am more toned and muscular now.

    I did weight watchers for most of the weight loss then when I stalled out I joined a gym.

    My only advice is exercise and watch what you are eating. The pounds will come off faster in the beginning...but when you find your body is getting used to it, just have to switch it up a bit.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I'm about that height and started here in March at 163. I haven't been sticking to it faithfully and I'm a lot older but, I can say, cut back a little on what you eat and increase a little of what you do and you'll lose. Eat more protein and vegies, skip some of the breads and starches. Drink more water. Go for a walk every day , even if it's just 10-15 minutes here and 10-15 minutes there. It all adds up to a healthier you!
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    I am 5'3" and in my profile pic I was at 168. I have lost weight by eating no more than 1200 calories a day and daily 30 min walks... I really does work... If you can do more than 30 min walk or some cardio too it will melt off!

    You can do it!
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I am 5'4" and I started at 173. I got down to 135 and found out I was pregnant, also. I contribute my weight loss to lots of exercise. I really didn't change my diet too much in the beginning. I stayed within my calorie goal, which was 1200, and I also ate back most of my exercise calories. You CAN do it, too!! :flowerforyou:
  • Bigtunatina
    I don't really eat carbs and I eat a lot of proteins and vegetables and snack
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    Well I'm 5'4 and when I started my diet I weighed 177. I also wanna get down to 125! What I've been doing is not drinking pop, staying away from "bad" fast food (I still eat McDonalds - like the fish sandwich [minus the cheese and tartar and adding ketchup], the yogurt parfaits, the oatmeal, even the sweet tea), staying away from foods like greasy, cheesy pastas, pizza, things like that. I eat cereal alot (honey bunches of oats), I drink lots of v8 juce (which I honestly do love it), drink LOTS of water, light yogurt, and things like that. I also don't eat what you'd call "meals." I honestly more or less just snack whenever I'm hungry. I don't let myself get to the point where I feel like I'm starving. If I feel a little hungry, I eat something small (like a bottle of v8 juice, a granola bar, some baby carrots, a yogurt, etc.) Eating large meals three times a day is honestly one of the worst things to do to your body. It REALLY messes up your metabolism. Snacking lightly throughout the day is the way to go.

    I hope that helps!!! :) Oh and feel free to add me!!
  • amobeth
    amobeth Posts: 4 Member
    5'4" 176 lbs. I stay under 1200 calories and 30 carbs a day. Seems to be working great. :0) I still have a long way to go though.
  • tiffanyvc
    tiffanyvc Posts: 99
    I was close to that in college. 5'4" and weighed 160. My weight fluctuated a lot in college, and I had no idea how to get it under control. More recently, I was 150, and am now down to 132. It's been a combination of eating right and exercise (believe it or not) that has helped the most. I learned about portions and tracked my nutrients, learning what food is high in carbs and protein and fat, etc. I think the biggest thing that helped me as far as dieting was to eat a more healthy breakfast. I used to have a pancake with strawberries and whipped cream every morning (no joke). When I cut that out and had ONE serving of Special K cereal (I measured it....measuring your food is important too) for breakfast, I felt like the whole day started out on track and it made it easier to STAY on track. And exercising was when my weight really started to fall off. I would go to the gym 3-4 times a week for one hour each time. Since I had a foot injury, I'm not able to use the treadmill, but I bike for 45 minutes, and then I do the circuit for 15 minutes. It's fun and I feel great afterwards.

    Feel free to friend me, if you want, and we can keep each other motivated! :smile:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I'm 5'4 and started MFP at around 165 lbs. What has helped me is increasing my water intake (I now drink at least 8-10 cups of water a day), increasing protein and fiber, and increasing exercise. Those are the things I really pay attention to. I also try to keep my sodium under 1500 if at all possible.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    I'm 5'4 at trying get down to we're in similar situations.....if you need some support...feel free to add me as a friend!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 162 currently--anyone can feel free to friend me too.

    I started at 180 and I'm trying to get down to ~130. I've been eating around 1500 calories per day. I run for 30-35 minutes 3-4 times per week. On my running off days I do some Jillian Michaels videos. I have Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (cardio), No More Trouble Zones (strength training), and the 30 Day Shred (combo). That's in addition to chasing my kids, some extra walking, and gardening.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    My starting weight was 168 ish and I am 5'3 and I was about a size 9-11?

    Though 125 is a great goal, it helps to be realistic as to not fail. My goal was just to lose weight and wanted to get to 130. I got down to 135 and only was able to maintain that for about a week.

    I started going to the gym in Jan and since then I been steady around 140-145 but with no changes in my clothes, I am about a size 4-6 now.

    I know most everyone says its not the number on the scale and it really isn't but I still obsess over it. I hate that I am in my "140s" but I look the same and my clothes are the same and I am more toned and muscular now.

    I did weight watchers for most of the weight loss then when I stalled out I joined a gym.

    My only advice is exercise and watch what you are eating. The pounds will come off faster in the beginning...but when you find your body is getting used to it, just have to switch it up a bit.

    we must be twins. my finish weight was 135(at 5'3") and I just could not maintain it without a lot of effort in both diet and exercise. I started working out and added 10bls back and at 145 I am a size 4 too. right not I am149 and in a six but have been lifting for almost two months so it is starting to kick in and tighten things up.