Day one

Hi there. I'm new to myfitnesspal - it was recommended by a friend who I admire a great deal, not least for her weight loss!

I'm one of those people who has psychological issues with food - I eat for comfort, through boredom and stress and to treat myself. I've toyed with lots of different weight loss options over the years, and been successful from time to time, but never managed to break out of this mindset. I'm not sure how this time will be different, but I'm hoping I can turn myself around - if anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them!



  • bkelley32148
    bkelley32148 Posts: 279 Member
    Use your journal and eat "mindfully." You have made the first, and hardest step. Keep up the good work and if you need any encouragement we are all here. Fell free to add me as a friend if you want and opening your journal allows others to give you constructive criticism when its needed.
  • michelle_vankat
  • jenkersting
    Welcome, I am new to the stie today as well. Have lost 35 lbs since Feb but am at a plateau and needed encouragement and support.

    Friend me if you would like, we can do it together :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • thin4life67
    thin4life67 Posts: 51 Member
    journaling is key!! It really opens your eyes to what you eat.
  • sbrown44
    sbrown44 Posts: 82
    Welcome. Feel free to add me if you want. Together, we can do this!
  • redandblackswan
    Just starting out on here myself, I signed up to slimming world last week and I was finding it such a drag, I will keep going to group but the way they do things just doesn't help me. I have used calorie counting before, why? because it works!! you can eat anything you enjoy, you can have days where you feel down and go over your limit but it doesn't matter as the next day you can be back on track. There is however one tip which I will give you, whatever you do do not do this alone, have a friend, join a group anything to ensure you have someone else who can offer support, it just doesn't work with us because we can't keep it going for long enough on our own, why do I know this?? because that is me.
    Why am I starting again? Ill health has caused me to pile on the pounds, I losr 2 stone last year but all of it and more has gone back on in a matter of a couple of months, add to the ill health the medication I am on, all of it puts weight on and I decided enough was enough, we all have our reasons for doing this, whatever they are and whatever has happened before today, none of that matters, don't look back only look forward, forget how you did or didn't do before, why burden yourself with what you've done before? did it work? no! so trust me and yourself when I say this I guarantee will work, just so long as you keep to the guidelines!!
    finally from me

    GOOD LUCK YOU CAN DO IT"!!"!!!!!!!
  • catanzca
    catanzca Posts: 26 Member
    Hey there!

    I am someone who LOVES food.. i practically plan my life around eating. I love working out so much but good nutrition is so hard for me. What I discovered was that I had to totally change my views about food (for the most part) and think of it only as fuel, not as something I do for enjoyment. When you think about fueling your body in the right way, it really starts to help. Another thing that helps is if you start working out vigorously then you can really feel a difference in your body if you eat right. That always helps me. I'm a big fan of INSANITY and when I do those workouts without eating healthy I really regret it, so the next time I want that cookie or piece of candy or cheeseburger I think about how it's going to feel when I start my workout the next day. That is often times enough motivation in itself.

    Good luck!!
    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Hello alright flower, :happy:

    I want to welcome you to MFP. I know you'll love it if you're truly motivated and we're all here to support you and cheer you on.

    As I read your post I said to myself.. " That was me!!" .. until recently, even being obese I had a measure of good health.. Then I took a fall (March 2011) and went plumetting downstairs and broke my ankle in two places.. Finding myself immobile.. I had plenty of time to think about Life .. and I made a firm decision to change mine.

    I joined in June 2011 and even with hiting a plateau because I didnt eat enough.. I am back to losing weight and I'm determined not to stop getting healthy.

    Friend me and we can continue the journey as MFP Buddies :flowerforyou:

    Monica :heart: