How does my diet sound?

Suzay Posts: 60
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition
Recently I've been considering different amount of calories to consume. I've decided to go for 1200-1300. I'm 5'1, 117lb and 18 years old. I want to get down to 105-110lb as it's healthy for my height (I'm very small...)

Breakfast - Bran flakes with 1.7% fat milk or a yogurt or fruit (apple or grapes)
Lunch - Cupasoup or lentil soup
Dinner - Chicken breast (grilled or boiled) with salad leafs, grilled onions and either brown rice or vegetables.
I snack on fruit and yogurts.
I drink 2-3 litres of water a day.

Is this okay to get down to the weight I want to? I workout for 30-40 minutes everyday on my elliptical.


  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    This isn't helpful but would give anything to be the size you are now :) looks fine to me!
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Sounds perfect.
  • If doing that routine for 1-2 weeks isn't showing any improvement on scale or clothes, then I would suggest adding some weight training? OR switching out that cereal for eggwhites
  • but who am i to say anything, you are tiny already!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Other than being very boring it will probably work at least in the short term. I would suggest though, that you reconsider the amount of calories you plan to eat. Use the MFP goal setter and set your weight loss goal per week to no more than 1 pound. You don't have much to lose, and a large calorie deficit in that case is not a beneficial thing.
  • fishiewishes
    fishiewishes Posts: 91 Member
    It's a good start but I would recommend adding some variety to the list - eating the exact same foods every day may well get boring after a while and may lead you to slip.

    Some good examples of things you could add are:
    Porridge for breakfast (very filling and makes you feel nice and toasty in the morning!)
    Salads for lunch or other varieties of soups (just check the labels :))
    Fish (baked fish with some herbs/spices is a yummy meal choice :))

    It's good you're snacking on fruit and the water consumption is great :D

    Wishing you all the best!
  • cant believe that that is 1200-1300 calories, check again because I think you should be eating more for lunch.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Other than being very boring it will probably work at least in the short term. I would suggest though, that you reconsider the amount of calories you plan to eat. Use the MFP goal setter and set your weight loss goal per week to no more than 1 pound. You don't have much to lose, and a large calorie deficit in that case is not a beneficial thing.

    I have to agree with this guy - it doesn't seem like a whole lot of calories for someone who is not overweight. You may want to loose a few pounds to reach your goal weight but starving is not a solution. You need a variety of foods for nutritional and value and.....because food should be enjoyed! Try adding some of the following items to your diet -
    low fat cheese
    turkey breast
    pasta in moderation
    whole wheat bread

    Every in moderation. Food is not the enemy! You look beautiful!
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    figure out your
    Basal Metabolic Rate (at sedentary level):______________ e.g. 2000 cals
    Calories Burned (exercise): _______________e.g. 200 cals
    Total (allowance): _______________e.g. 2200 cals
    Calories Consumed (food): ___________________ e.g. 1500 cals
    so 2200 - 1500 = 700
    Energy Balance in calories: ___________________ e.g. 700 cals

    if your allowance is greater than your intake then you'll be generally losing weigh.
    a 500 calorie deficit per day will reflect on the scale as one pound a week.
    I hope this helps.

    And one more thing, it can help you succeed short and long term if you don't think of it as a diet but as a way of life.
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