High LDL?! Really?

JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
Well, I was surprised today to find that I have high LDL.

Particularly surprised since I'm over on my Fiber on a regular basis, and I can count the number of days I eat foods w/ saturated fats on one hand (date night when I eat out with the my guy).

In fact, people who have looked at my food journal normally comment that I need to eat more fat! I don't eat hardly any dairy at all - an egg or two maybe/day.

Anyway, my doc has recommended Fish oil capsules and red yeast rice capsules.

But I did get some good news. I'm a PCOSer and, since I got my right ovary removed last year (tumors - it was ugly), My AIc is right within range!!!! WAHOO! No diabetes/insulin resistance for me! Yeah!

So, I got my carbs within balance, but now - how else can I bring my LDL back to normal? I'm about 4 points over borderline.

Thanks for any suggestions!


  • all4my3boyz
    all4my3boyz Posts: 94 Member
    I just received the results from my lipid panel yesterday and I was over on LDL and low on my HDL... that's afer 4 months of eating better... Frustrating!! My understanding is that the majority of cholesterol is made by your body and the food you eat accounts for only 1/3 (I think). So it could be that your body just produces too much of it. I am going to redo my test in 3 months to see where I stand then. I don't want to take meds for it for the rest of my life, that's for sure... but if I have to then I have to. Good luck to you!!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    It can be frustrating when you hear something like this. You can't stop thinking, how? what am I doing wrong? When, honestly, you may not be doing anything wrong. It could jsut be genetics.

    I know this, because when I was 21 I had my bloodwork done and I came back with high LDL, low HDL. I was eating vegan at the time and walking a lot and playing racquetball. How could I have high cholesterol if I was keeping active and wasn't even eating food that contained cholesterol?

    Look at you family history. That where I found my answer, maybe yours is there, too. I've since lowered my LDL by engaging in more high intensity exercise (running) and I'm no longer vegan but I eat a decent amount of fish.
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member

    I'd like to hear some suggestions also as I have the same problem
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    From what the doctor told my husband... in some folks, it's jut genetics. He takes Lipitor now, and that dropped it amazingly, and he keeps having to reduce his dose.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    It can be hereditary!! My husbands family is mostly vegan and his mother and great aunt (both vegan) have high cholesterol and he is borderline.
  • tewsy
    tewsy Posts: 34
    Mine is high too. Honestly as you loose wieght it should go down. Eating oatmeal helps too!
  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    I just received the results from my lipid panel yesterday and I was over on LDL and low on my HDL... that's afer 4 months of eating better... Frustrating!! My understanding is that the majority of cholesterol is made by your body and the food you eat accounts for only 1/3 (I think). So it could be that your body just produces too much of it. I am going to redo my test in 3 months to see where I stand then. I don't want to take meds for it for the rest of my life, that's for sure... but if I have to then I have to. Good luck to you!!

    No kidding ... meds to regulate your heart rate and blood pressure can be ugly. I took some blood pressure meds for a little while to help with migraines - I thought I was going to pass out for hours. A friend of mine takes a different kind ... and her heart rate doesn't change very quickly with her activity. It leaves her with horrible lactic acid burn, and exhausted, Exercise is supposed to improve her condition, but how can she exercise if she can't raise her heart rate? I'm just glad I'm starting early! I feel blessed.
  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    From what the doctor told my husband... in some folks, it's jut genetics. He takes Lipitor now, and that dropped it amazingly, and he keeps having to reduce his dose.

    He's lowering his dose? That's encouraging ... thanks for sharing!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I just received the results from my lipid panel yesterday and I was over on LDL and low on my HDL... that's afer 4 months of eating better... Frustrating!! My understanding is that the majority of cholesterol is made by your body and the food you eat accounts for only 1/3 (I think). So it could be that your body just produces too much of it. I am going to redo my test in 3 months to see where I stand then. I don't want to take meds for it for the rest of my life, that's for sure... but if I have to then I have to. Good luck to you!!

    No kidding ... meds to regulate your heart rate and blood pressure can be ugly. I took some blood pressure meds for a little while to help with migraines - I thought I was going to pass out for hours. A friend of mine takes a different kind ... and her heart rate doesn't change very quickly with her activity. It leaves her with horrible lactic acid burn, and exhausted, Exercise is supposed to improve her condition, but how can she exercise if she can't raise her heart rate? I'm just glad I'm starting early! I feel blessed.

    I'm REALLY grateful that my MD seems to take a more holistic approach.

    I'm adopted (and was adopted in the 1980's, so the files are largely closed), so I have very little access to my family history. While I have since developed some contact with my biological family, it's fairly limited, so I'm kinda flying blind.

    Nice to know it isn't all diet based though! I work out 6-7 days/week. My LDL actually went UP when I lost weight. Weird! But I'll keep it up and hopefully I can avoid medication. :)