repostinggg still freaked out

laurad8911 Posts: 99
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,

So I just started on MFP on July 17th and realized from logging that I hadn't been eating enough most days in relation to my exercise, so I started eating what MFP told me plus most of my exercise calories and felt amazing. More energy and I lost 3.1 lbs by this past Sunday (so one week from when I started). I went from 153.2 to 150.1. I weighed myself this morning and it says 152.5! WHY?!?!??!? Yesterday afternoon I started to feel prettty bloated and like I had a food baby kind of even though I hadn't overeaten, and then even though I wasn't too hungry at all i still ate my snack and dinner because I wanted to make sure I got close to eating all my calories plus exercise calories. This morning i woke up not hungry, even though every other morning since I started this I woke up hungry. Any insights as to what may be going on? (Also, sorry if this is TMI, but i think i might be constipated...not sure why though). I will set my diary to open if it would help to look at it.

no its not that time of the month. and no i dont tend to track my water because i drink 40 oz nalgene's full of it all day and ive always been a HUGE water drinker so it doesn't concern me too much and is hard to keep up with.

i did go to my first spinning class yesterday though and although i ride my bike a lot it definitely felt different and my quads felt it all day so maybe they are holding onto water?

also i checked my sodium and fiber levels over the last few days and they both seem fine to me.

ive been trying to weigh myself less because it makes me crazy and i want to do my weekly weigh-ins on wednesdays (which is why i want this to be resolved before tomorrow!). i weighed myself this morning only because i felt so weirdly full and gross.

and i have been working out MORE and harder lately but ive always worked out so its not like my body is completely new to this.

so you guys think it's just temporary and doesnt mean ive lost basically everything that i had gained progress wise?

should i just keep up what i've been doing as normal, pay some extra attention to water intake, and hope it goes away?


  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    your weight flunctuates 1-3 lbs. so it means nothing at all!
    if youre that affected by what the scale says, id say weigh yourslef JUST once a week. otherwise this is gonna happen alot.
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    your weight flunctuates 1-3 lbs. so it means nothing at all!
    if youre that affected by what the scale says, id say weigh yourslef JUST once a week. otherwise this is gonna happen alot.
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    your weight will fluctuate, that is normal, makes sure your drinking at LEAST 8 cups of water. You body needs to be flushed.
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    2 pounds....your freaking out over 2 pounds???
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I like to use this app called True Weight. There is a free version. You log your daily weight there and it computes a "moving average". So as long as that number isn't going up you're fine. Weight fluctuations are normal and this app helps take a bit off the nerves.

    Don't worry and just keep going!
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    I had the same thing happen this week. The SAME thing. I increased my water and started peeing like crazy. I was bloated and had gained two pounds and was mad at the world yesterday. I don't know why. But I think the post above me was right. This just happens some times.
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    Don't worry about it. There are a lot of factors that can cause your weight to fluctuate that has nothing to do with fat. Time of day you weigh, clothes you're wearing when you weigh, water retention, muscle gain, etc etc etc... For example, if you weigh yourself 3 different times during the day, you will see HUGE fluctuations - try it! Weigh once in the morning, sometime during the day, and then again at bedtime and you can see fluctuations of up to five pounds or more throughout the course of a day. Also, when you exercise, your body hordes water to keep your muscles going. If you've increased your amount of exercise or changed it up, you will see a temporary weight fluctuation because of the change in routine. Don't sweat it. It's fine. Keep eating a HEALTHY amount of calories, watch your fat and sodium intakes, and add some lemon or lime juice to your water (natural diuretics to help with water retention). You'll be fine.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I think your fine. You should come join my August 1st Team Challenge. We need folks to join to reach our 10 teams of 11. Look us up in the motivation forum. All are welcome!
  • laurad8911
    laurad8911 Posts: 99
    2 lbs in one day when its physically making me feel like **** and i have not that much weight to lose to begin with and this makes up a significant proportion of it so the upward trend worries me, yes. and its less that im freaking out about the 2 lbs itself, maybe freaking out was the wrong choice of words, but im worried about the WHY of the gain not the quantity. if it was less than 1 i wouldnt be as confused but 2.5 lbs in one day....yea not fun
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Totally a normal weight fluctuation. ONLY step on the scale once a week, in the morning, after going potty, before eating or drinking anything.

    And even then you'll find weight fluctuations.

    I do step on the scale (naked, morning, after potty) every day but I don't freak out if I'm up two pounds from yesterday, could be sodium, muscles retain water when they rebuild and maybe I had a hard workout yesterday, maybe I didn't drink enough water etc. I KNOW I didn't eat 3500 calories OVER maintenance (what you'd need to eat to gain 1lbs in a day), so I don't panic.
  • Emerson10
    Emerson10 Posts: 1
    I wouldn't worry. It sucks though. I go through it, too. My doctor (a female) told me that women shouldn't be so obsessed with the scale because the female body naturally fluctuates from day to day. A pound or two of water weight shouldn't be a big deal. She said that measurements can be a more encouraging method of tracking your progress. If your overall shape is changing and your clothes fit better you're doing well. Just keep doing what you're doing. Focus on the energy and the exhilaration of the exercise, not the number on the scale.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    There are more people then the OP who freak out over 2 lbs.

    Anywho I flipped through your diary, and although you are below the 2500 sodium in your diary (all but 1 day last week) you are still on the upper cusp some day, including yesterday. Since you used to under eat, it is very likely your body is not used to handling that much sodium yet (you only need between 800-1000 for normal cell function), you may want to watch it closer (I try not to go over 1500) Also it could be retianing water from the spinning class, because as you said it was more intense then a normal workout for you, and as muscles heal they retain water
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    2 pounds....your freaking out over 2 pounds???

    *I* would. And DO.

    Not as much as I have in the past, because I'm learning that my scale is posessed by evil demons and needs a full-out exorcism, but it does give me occasional heart palpitations once in a while. We're working on our relationship.

    All kidding aside, OP, it's okay. Your body weight is going to fluctuate like crazy from day to day, even from morning to afternoon. Especially after a tough workout. Weighing yourself once a week is definitely going to give you a far more accurate picture of what's going on, if you've got the discipline to stay off your scale for 7 days. [Heh. I don't...:blushing: ]
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Two pounds would freak me out too - but yes our weight will fluctuate and women fluctuate more than men! Sad but true. For the next week I would really reduce your sodium; like 1000 or under and get more crunchy veggies. That will help with any possible water retention.
    You also said you up'd your work outs, so your getting some muscle mass. In the grand scheme of it....2lbs isn't much; but I know what you mean, but try not to let it worry you. You sound like you're on the right track!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I think you're over-reacting!! Calm down! 2 pounds! Your body's weight fluctuates naturally...especially when you're a woman. Continue to eat sensibly, everything in moderation and exercise and you will be healthy. And stop weighing yourself!
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much. On any given day you could be holding a few lbs of water, you could have up to 5lbs of waste in your bowels and things like menstrual cycle and water/sodium intake can fluctuate weight a LOT.

    Try not to stress too much about your weight, weigh in wearing the same thing at the same time in the morning, each time you weigh in. Aside from that I would say that unless you have a gain of more than 5lbs, don't worry because if you are following your plan and keeping within your goals, this will work for you.
  • mnsmith83
    mnsmith83 Posts: 128
    Like everyone has said, it's normal. Yesterday evening I weighed 210.8, this morning I weighted 208.4. Water, the food you've eaten, sodium, exercise...they all have a bearing on your daily weight. If you're going to weigh every day, only compare to the weight a week ago, not the day before.
  • I had a similar freak out recently... Well, honestly, it was more like a complete and utter meltdown. I had been SO good about following MFPs recommendations, getting a lot of high-volume, nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods, had just increased my cardio, and had just recently added a bit of strength training (30 day shred). Before I added in strength I was consistently losing bit by bit every morning (I'm an unashamed daily-weigher!). The day after 30DS and 20 minute "butt bible" (LOL) video, I was up about 3 pounds! Nooooooo!!!! Panicked, I consulted with my MFPals, and they calmy informed me that working new muscle groups can cause water-retention around the muscles to expedite the healing process. That can cause a couple pounds of weight gain. Also, dietary changes and changes in exercise can cause constipation, which could factor into a bit of an increase on the scale.

    I lost all the water weight PLUS a pound or so two days later!

    Keep up what you're doing and you'll begin to see a downward trend soon! :)
  • Google "Why The Scales Lie" and you'll find your answer!
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