impatience/giving up/lack motivation... HELP ME!


i'm a very un-motivated person when it comes to anything.
i'm afraid i won't see results fast and i'll quit exercising because "it won't work."
that's happened many times. it's hard to stop doing that. i have always wanted fast results.
i'm a very impatient person with everything. this website says i will lose 7.5 pounds by december 15th.
honestly, that isn't good enough for me. i'm so frustrated with myself!!!!!!!!!!


  • kaylarosem

    i'm a very un-motivated person when it comes to anything.
    i'm afraid i won't see results fast and i'll quit exercising because "it won't work."
    that's happened many times. it's hard to stop doing that. i have always wanted fast results.
    i'm a very impatient person with everything. this website says i will lose 7.5 pounds by december 15th.
    honestly, that isn't good enough for me. i'm so frustrated with myself!!!!!!!!!!
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    well you can do what it takes, and lose 7.5lbs by Dec 15th- or- you can keep doing nothing, dec 15th will arrive, and you'll be the same weight or heavier.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Don't take this wrong...:flowerforyou:

    First off you gotta change your mindset.
    None of us got fat overnight, it took time.
    To think that reversing the process will be easy and quick is going to get you no where fast.

    The question you really need to answer is why are you even bothering if you are so unmotivated that you are giving up before even giving it a chance?:huh:

    Sorry to sound then normal but come on. :noway:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    "Nothing works unless you do."

    ~Maya Angelou

    "you can do it. :flowerforyou: we are all in the same place. stay with us. keep reading. it works"

  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    There's no magic pill.....if there was, I would have found it because I have tried them all. The bottom line is, eat less, move more. I tell myself every morning, I have to earn my food for the day. Nothing is free! You can do it! I once told my Dr. I wanted to lose weight and he being quite the smart *kitten*, said "it all starts in the kitchen". I honestly believe he was wrong. It all starts with your mind. If you can master that, you can do anything!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    like Tam always says- time is going to pass no matter what you do. You get to choose: either lose a lb or so with each passing week or don't. I've been here for 7 1/2 months and I'm down 51 lbs... if I hadn't begun this journey I would probably be up 5-10 lbs from my start weight. Your choice. :flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I know it's daunting to think of losing weight slowly but trust me and my many failed attempts at losing weight the "fast" won't stay off. This really needs to be done the slower and heatlhier way. Once you are at peace with that in your mind, this journey will become a lot easier and you won't have so much stress on yourself. And being stressed out means you will get burned out fast too.

    Just do it. Focus on a week at a time. You will be surprised how fast those weeks add up. Stop trying to rush the process and instead focus on making these changes for good and living an entirely different lifestyle.

    Good luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    You've got lots of advice there so far. Basically I'm going to reiterate that... I have lost 17lbs in 7mo. That doesn't sound like alot... but its alot faster than I would have lost it sitting on the couch eating oreos. Take it one day at a time. Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as a permanant change. If you had been eating right and exercising to begin with you wouldn't be where you are now... none of us would. But we got ourselves here and its hard work to get back out of it. Hang in there. Join my 6lb holiday challenge and reward yourself for your hard work! You'll feel great when you get those 6lb off!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member

    i'm a very un-motivated person when it comes to anything.
    i'm afraid i won't see results fast and i'll quit exercising because "it won't work."
    that's happened many times. it's hard to stop doing that. i have always wanted fast results.
    i'm a very impatient person with everything. this website says i will lose 7.5 pounds by december 15th.
    honestly, that isn't good enough for me. i'm so frustrated with myself!!!!!!!!!!

    I think you will be surprised to see how much better you will look and feel after losing only 7.5 pounds. Losing 7.5 pounds is by far way less than what most of us here want to lose overall, but it is a start and you really will feel different and start noticing little things here and there. You've gotta start somewhere, and once you see improvement, THAT in itself will be a huge motivator to keep going and lose more.