Who's in love?

:) I am, and I'm partly doing this for him - he needs a little motivation himself.

I figured, if I start going with it, maybe he'll feel more inclined to start as well! It's better for both our healths, a win win situation!

So I have a question: Do any of you find it hard to tell a loved one that they need to lose weight?

Feel free to add me! I'm new here!


  • prettylittlechubby
    I wish my boyfriend would tell me i need to loose weight then it would motiviate me more. your so good doing this to support him, good luck to you both :D
  • Rachiewoowoo
    Rachiewoowoo Posts: 142
    I wish my boyfriend would tell me i need to loose weight then it would motiviate me more. your so good doing this to support him, good luck to you both :D
    But at least you know he doesn't want to hurt your feelings :)
    I'd do anything to support him :) Thank you, and you too!
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    My boyfriend thinks he needs to lose weight, he is wrong what he needs to do is tone up, haha.
    I do wish my boyfriend wouldn't say I am not as big as I think I am as this irritates me.

    I do love him though more than anything or anyone.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I am........................with ma awesomely tanned self............damn! sexy! :bigsmile:
  • nurse_carolyn
    I am........................with ma awesomely tanned self............damn! sexy! :bigsmile:

    ahaha.......we would have never guessed that :noway:
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I am........................with ma awesomely tanned self............damn! sexy! :bigsmile:

    It's good to love oneself.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    My fiances best friend desperately needs to lose wieght but he doesnt listen to anyone and makes up a bunch of excuses to stay fat so i say whatever. We've tried to help him and hes totally not interested. My fiance is pretty thin... notice I said thin not healthy lol Im tryin to get him to eat better but he loves his sugar and crappy foods lol
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    I am........................with ma awesomely tanned self............damn! sexy! :bigsmile:

    Beerrunner - how do you manage it? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You are hilarious!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • janiecorona
    janiecorona Posts: 248
    I am...with my beautiful baby girl. She's my love and I'm doing this for her. (:
  • Rachiewoowoo
    Rachiewoowoo Posts: 142
    I am...with my beautiful baby girl. She's my love and I'm doing this for her. (:
    That's amazing; I wish all the best for you both :)
    She's adorable :)
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    We both straight up knew we needed to. I lose 135lbs before getting pregnant with our second baby. Currently 11 weeks. :) He's still working on it. Fallen off the wagon a couple of times but he's getting back on! I definitely want to do it for my hubby and my kids. To keep up with them and to look good for him. I want to be the kind of wife he's proud to be with. You know the one that he can be like "Yeah, that's mine.' Hahaha.
  • Rachiewoowoo
    Rachiewoowoo Posts: 142
    My boyfriend thinks he needs to lose weight, he is wrong what he needs to do is tone up, haha.
    I do wish my boyfriend wouldn't say I am not as big as I think I am as this irritates me.

    I do love him though more than anything or anyone.
    That's right! For awhile, I thought I was losing weight well, or properly, or whatever, but I was just losing muscle mass.. D:

    Hmm, I'm sure it's just because he loves you and doesn't want to hurt you in any way :) I'm glad you do, good luck to you both!
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    My fiance is pretty thin... notice I said thin not healthy lol Im tryin to get him to eat better but he loves his sugar and crappy foods lol

    My husband is like that. 6' and maybe 140 pounds...

    My husband never told me I needed to lose weight. The only reason he had a problem with my weight gain was because it made me self conscious, but he didn't tell me that until after I started losing weight. I don't think you need to tell someone you love that they need to lose weight. They probably already know. Just adopt a healthy lifestyle and hope that they'll want to join you.
  • Rachiewoowoo
    Rachiewoowoo Posts: 142
    My fiances best friend desperately needs to lose wieght but he doesnt listen to anyone and makes up a bunch of excuses to stay fat so i say whatever. We've tried to help him and hes totally not interested. My fiance is pretty thin... notice I said thin not healthy lol Im tryin to get him to eat better but he loves his sugar and crappy foods lol
    Haha, real motivation really needs to start in yourself... He'll figure out some day :)

    Don't we all :) Whenever my boyfriend comes to visit (long d), which is not often, we tend to just relax and eat whatever, but when we finally move in together, we're going to be eating healthy and nutritious :D Good luck!
  • Rachiewoowoo
    Rachiewoowoo Posts: 142
    I am........................with ma awesomely tanned self............damn! sexy! :bigsmile:
    Oh, I'm sure.
  • bettyboopo
    bettyboopo Posts: 15 Member
    Me and my boyfriend currently weigh the same! That was a real wake up call for me and him. I'm trying to loose weight and he's trying to gain weight (muscle). He tells me i'm perfect and i don't need to change a thing but i think that about him too! I suppose it's just what love does, they're perfect no matter what.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I think it is hard to tell someone you love to lose weight...but its the way you say it that might encourage or offend them. Personally my mom told me before I was just getting big, now that didn't help. However my hubby has said "hey lets go for a walk"...now that was an encouraging way instead of saying "oh you're fat" lol.

    I guess its all about how you approach them and how they take it. :drinker:
  • Rachiewoowoo
    Rachiewoowoo Posts: 142
    Me and my boyfriend currently weigh the same! That was a real wake up call for me and him. I'm trying to loose weight and he's trying to gain weight (muscle). He tells me i'm perfect and i don't need to change a thing but i think that about him too! I suppose it's just what love does, they're perfect no matter what.
    I'll always think my boyfriend is perfect, and he'll always think the same of me as well, but I tell him it's better for his health, and he tells me it's better for the bed :laugh:
  • Rachiewoowoo
    Rachiewoowoo Posts: 142
    I think it is hard to tell someone you love to lose weight...but its the way you say it that might encourage or offend them. Personally my mom told me before I was just getting big, now that didn't help. However my hubby has said "hey lets go for a walk"...now that was an encouraging way instead of saying "oh you're fat" lol.

    I guess its all about how you approach them and how they take it. :drinker:
    I totally agree! My mother used to almost insult my sister and I with our weights, and, although it was for the best, it never really helped either of us. I've motivated myself, and I'm hoping I can help my younger sister too, as diabetes runs in the family, and she's already showing preliminary signs :frown:
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    I told my wife when we were dating that I would love her no matter what. If she told me she wanted to sit at home all day and eat french fries till she couldn't move I would still love her and bring her home any food she wanted.

    It wasn't until last year I realized telling her something like that wasn't the most loving thing I could have said. She could never lose my unconditional love, but promoting her bad eating habits was the same as telling her I didn't care how long she stayed around in this life.

    Neither one of us actually opened our mouths and said it, but we both knew when we were horsing around and losing our breath after the first 5 minutes, something needed to be done.

    So, I don't know the right answer to this. It hurts to hear, but perhaps if you truly love someone the best thing to do is tell them how much you want them to live a long and healthy life by your side.