ALchoolic Beverages

So I am going on a lake trip this weekend and know I will be consuming a large amount of alchool. I was thinking the best bet I have would be a skinny girl maregerita for 38 calories. Anyone have any other ideas?


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Light beer! Vodka or gin with diet soda! But if the skinnygirl stuff is good, then go for it! I've never had it
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Alternate your Skinny Girls with a glass or bottle of water. It's been hot out there and it'll not only slow your drinking a little, it'll help to keep you hydrated and you'll end up less hung over the next day, too. Win-win!
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    I do love vodkas with club soda and a splash of cranberry, I think they are only 90 calories to. water is a good idea I am trying to get my eight glasses in a day, it will be super hott!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I usually drink beer. Or diet coke and rum but I find those make me ill the next day.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm seriously going to start calling it alchool.

    I don't recommend drinking hard liquor in copious amounts. How about Miller 64 or something that has a low alcohol content so you can pound it proudly like a man without wetting yourself or vomitting in public? That's what I do anyhow... ;)
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    HAHA I like your style!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Whatever you do, avoid mixing - and avoid wine. There's no hangover worse *LOL*
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    When your body if overloaded with alcohol it will store any other nutrient you feed it as fat. So try not eat when you're plastered.
  • Allyc804
    Allyc804 Posts: 54
    So I had this issue last weekend and I found a FAB solution. Crystal Light now makes MockTail Flavors!!! They have mojito, margarita and appletini. They are just like regular crystal light and come in at a nice 5 calories plus anything in the booze. So I suggest making them in a 2 quart container like regular mixes, then mixing from there. They are all great!!

    Happy Lake Weekend! :drinker:
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    That sounds good! I will have to try that and let you know!
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    So I am going on a lake trip this weekend and know I will be consuming a large amount of alchool. I was thinking the best bet I have would be a skinny girl maregerita for 38 calories. Anyone have any other ideas?

    38 calories? That sounds great ...but hard alcohol, including tequila, contains about 70 calories per ounce. So do the skinny girls only have half an ounce of tequila or is there some kind of magic involved?
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    HAHA I am not sure! I typed it on the food calculator and thats what it said. All the ingredients are fresh and not very over powering on the tequila. ;) The way I like it!
  • pinknsassyemt
    pinknsassyemt Posts: 68 Member
    I am a huge fan of Lemonade Crystal Light and Raspberry Vodka :-)
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    Not to make you sad but...according to the Skinnygirl website a 4 oz (half cup) Skinnygirl margarita is 100 calories. Still not bad, though!

    I thought 38 sounded too good to be true :cry:
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I drink what and as much as i want one day a week and it doesn't hinder weight loss at all. Have as much of what you really want to drink and put the calorie counter up for your weekender.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I love vanilla vodka with plain seltzer water and a lime wedge. Less than 100 calories I believe.
  • TTops76
    TTops76 Posts: 116
    I'm a huge fan of MIO right now with vodka; actually vodka with anything is good.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I drink what and as much as i want one day a week and it doesn't hinder weight loss at all. Have as much of what you really want to drink and put the calorie counter up for your weekender.

    Alot of people will disagree with this, but this is what I do when I have a special occasion to go to. I try not to go completely nuts, but don't really worry about it. I don't do it often so it doesn't really hinder my weight loss much.
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    I know!! I looked into it more after you said that and found it out :( but your right 100 calories isnt bad. I think I am going to just try something lite and not count the calories of alchool just my food and be cautious. That crystal light sounds amazing though!:drinker:
  • phillyrain
    phillyrain Posts: 19
    Always stick to clear liquors/wine! Some amazing drinks that are relatively low calorie include buying those flavored club soda waters that every grocery store/TJ's have (they each have their own brand and run about a dollar). Mixed with vodka/rum based on the flavor they taste AMAZING! We usually grab a bunch because you can drink them without alcohol too. My FAVORITE summer drinks are crushes though: Use a juicer or squeeze grapefruit or orange into a glass and mix with flavored vodka (I love pear or mango) and fresca (or club soda if you're against artificial sweeteners). Tastes SO good and because it has fruit in it, you're less likely to drink them down as fast!