Trip to Italy :)!



  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I've heard the 'mediterranean diet' is very healthy- just don't over do & watch the alcohol

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    When i visited italy, all the pasta dishes where cooked in oil. :S

    What??? Oil doesn't.... boil. You can't cook pasta in oil...
  • Piratepetetx
    Another trick is to order alot of vegetables, they are fantastic as well as the pasta and pizza. The portions will be smaller unless they know your from here. Then they tend to pile it on. They tend to take pride in the food. And most of all enjoy yourself. It's not like your going to a Pizza Hut. You'll be in Italy, enjoy yourself. I went when I was 14 and still carry the memories like it was yesterday. Buon Appetito!!!
  • broekjo
    broekjo Posts: 11 Member
    I'm going to Italy in September and I fully intend to indulge in their food (eat whatever I want until I'm full but not stuffed to the gills) without worrying about it. It's my once in a lifetime trip and I'm going to enjoy every second of it! I'll be waaaaay more active there than I am here, so I'm not concerned.
  • Gabby215
    Gabby215 Posts: 69
    Was just in Venice a few weeks ago! My advice is to walk as much as you can. Also, traditional Italian meals go: anipasti, starter, pasta, meat, dessert - DO NOT feel like you have to eat all courses! The pasta portions are actually on the small side because of this. I usually tried to order a nice, meat or veg-based started and a meat dish. Of course, it was Italy so some nights I had pasta followed by pizza... I know, I know, but I made sure not to do that every night. Just as long as you walk a lot and drink lots of water (it was soooo hot when I was there). Oh, and don't pass up the gelato :) In Venice do not miss Boutique del Gelato on the street called salizzada San Lio. Best. Gelato. EVER. And have fun - ciao!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    You are going to be doing so much walking around Italy don't you even think about what you're eating. Just have fun! Eat what you want and you'll probably come home a couple pounds lighter.
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    You will have absolutely no problems. We were there this past Spring for several weeks. We ate everything we wanted and walked everywhere. When there were stairs to climb we climbed them. We actually lost some weight.

    This is a trip of a life time. Enjoy and work extra hard when you return! Have fun!!!!!! :)