Grocery shopping

Someone posted a question about grocery shopping budgets the other day, and it got me thinking. How much do YOU spend on groceries a week? Where do you normally shop for groceries?

I try to keep my grocery spending to no more than $120 a week. Now, that also includes diapers and wipes every week, not just food. There are 4 of us that I shop for, and I do it every Saturday.

I normally shop at Krogers, but lately I've been trying to save a little and go to Aldi's...but, they're actually NOT that much cheaper anymore! So I buy my meats and veggies and diapers from Kroger's, and the odd's and end's from Aldi's.

Your turn!


  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Someone posted a question about grocery shopping budgets the other day, and it got me thinking. How much do YOU spend on groceries a week? Where do you normally shop for groceries?

    I try to keep my grocery spending to no more than $120 a week. Now, that also includes diapers and wipes every week, not just food. There are 4 of us that I shop for, and I do it every Saturday.

    I normally shop at Krogers, but lately I've been trying to save a little and go to Aldi's...but, they're actually NOT that much cheaper anymore! So I buy my meats and veggies and diapers from Kroger's, and the odd's and end's from Aldi's.

    Your turn!
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    I am a bargain Shopper! I have learned what is cheaper where and I go to certain places to buy certain items. Like for instance I know that the commissary has cheaper meat and cheese so I buy all my meat and cheese there, But Foodlion has cheaper raviolli (my Brother-In-Law eats it like it is going out of style) so I go there for it. Plus I go to Biglots to see what they have that I need. For the three of us I spend about 150 every 2 weeks. This time we ordered from the Angel food ministeries.
  • cupcake568
    cupcake568 Posts: 178 Member
    Have you noticed that how much more expensive eating healthy is? It hardly seems fair.
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    YES, Cupcake!!! I was :angry: the other day at Kroger when the Sugar Free Hot Cocoa was $1 more than the fattening stuff!:explode:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    My goal is $100 or less per week, but I spend $100 or less per month at the meat market (bring it home & deep freeze) & $200 or less per month at Sam's Club for dog food, diapers, wipes, cleaning supplies, & whatever else I can get cheaper in bulk! :bigsmile: It gets tricky sometimes, but most of the time I can make it work. My husband only gets paid once a month at his salaried job so budgeting get interesting sometimes.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    we live 2 hours out of town, so we only buy groceries once a month (we pick up fresh milk at the gas station near us when we need it). I buy for my fiance and I and we spend about 230$ for 3-4 weeks worth of groceries... which I think is pretty good considering we live in the north and prices up hare are WAY higher. We shop at a grocery store called Extra Foods.:flowerforyou:
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    you guys should live in Canada, family of three, we spend easily $250 every two weeks (sometimes $300) and I don't buy diapers or fast food and that doesn't include picking up fresh fruit and veggies the second week when I run out. Yeah, sucks, very expensive to eat healthy. One of the biggest expenses is healthy lunch treats for my daughter.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Because my son can't have wheat or dairy I have to go to specialty stores to get some things for him. I shop at Walmart for all the dry goods, etc, but I also go to Sprouts (large farmer's market type place). If I don't make the long drive out to Sprouts, then I have to go to a place to get meat, another place to get fruits and veggies(as I buy neither from Walmart) and another to get specialty foods for my son. Makes for an interesting day. :grumble: We easily spend $120-130 a week. My hubby's a big meat eater so that doesn't help either.
  • shkaki
    shkaki Posts: 234 Member
    we spend a lot of money on food probably 200/2wks for the 2 of us, and it does sometimes seem that healthy food is more expensive, but if you look at it like this

    1lb of hamburger = about 4.50
    1 bad of oreos = 4$

    1 bunch of bananas = 1.69
    1 frozen pizza = 4.50

    try to make comparisions like that and it doesnt seem so bad.
    healthy eating can be more expensive if you're buying specialty "diet" items like "low fat" or "sugar free" or 100 cal. packs....those things are mostly processed and cost more. If you buy bulk nuts, and grains..etc and make snack foods or just use fruit and veggies as snacks it can be quite budget friendly!!

    happy eating :flowerforyou:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    We're a family of 5. We spend between $80 to $150 (depending if I need cleaning supplies) a month on my big shopping trip where I stock up on things like cereal, soup, frozen veggies, mainly thing that will last. I get this stuff usually at Walmart because out here that's all we have, and that's an hour drive. I buy what ever cereal is on sale for $2.00 to $2.50 a box (3 boxes usually lasts all month bc we eat eggs most mornings), the only soup I get is soup that I use in cooking like tomato or crm mushroom (which are between .50 and 1.00 I stock up when they are on sale), frozen vegies are usually a buck a bag and I get about 15 bags of different ones. When I'm there I will usually get enough fresh fruits and veggies to last us the week.

    Once a week (the weeks I don't go to walmart) I spend about $15 to $20 at the local grocery store. There I will get milk and some apples and bananas (fresh veggies there are usually not so great) and what ever else I may have ran out of.

    We never buy meat at the store. We raise fresh chickens and eggs, and we buy beef from a friend of ours that raises them and have it processed at a locker plant we just got a quarter of beef for under $400, the hamburger is so lean you you don't have drain it after you brown it, and the T-bones just melt in your mouth. We get pork from a neighbor we usually split a hog with the guy we get our beef from. The hog usually runs $90 bucks and $100 to get it processed, so we get 1/2 of a hog in our freezer for $95 . That much beef and pork is usually enough to last us half a year. Yeah it's alot out of pocket at the time, but the quality is so much better and the taste is too. And it's nice to not have to buy it at the grocery store cause meat really adds to the bill.
  • kendallalissa
    Before I started my healthy eating (thank you MFP), my husband and I would spend about $70 - 75/wk on groceries. Now that we're buying healthy, smart foods we've been spending around $90 - 100/wk. It's ok though, because we've made healthy eating a priority. This just means eating out 2x less per month. Very doable!

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • DjBliss05
    We spend a lot. About 125 a week on groceries (give or take a little depending on what ends up in my cart). I'm kind of new to living with a man and not sure that I've learned how to save money at the grocery store yet. I try to shop sales and use coupons, but sometimes that actually ups the bill because then I am buying things I don't need!

    Its just the two of us, but I don't seem to be able to cut down that number. Working on it though!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I shop at Price choppers for most things except fresh produce and breads, I buy at Foodland. I go shopping once a week, and for a family of five I spend around 130-150. I find the biggest expence is for school and work lunches. Especially when we all like different things.
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    It depepends on the week and how much money we got. i can easily spend 120 anywhere if Im buying GOOD HEALTHY THINGS! I like food depots fruits and veggies and meats and I like krogers 10for10 but found out piggly wiggle has that to! We also go to Big lots for my hubbys energy drinks for .60cents in stead of 2.99 at the Gas station. I also get cereal, poptarts, chips, and such from biglots. So it just depends... We can spend from 60.00 on frozen not so good stuff adn up to 120 depending on what were getting. We got some ok stuff last night and spent 85.00. Which was good.
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    We buy our bulk meats from Angelfoodminitries (usually $70 a month) then it's $100 each paycheck (1st, 15th). So we spend $270 on food for the two of us. Granted it's not as many fresh fruits and veggies as I would like...we have to do what we can do.
  • JenniferMann24
    I have a family of four and was wondering how in the world you keep your bill 120 and under. Mine is currently around 170 on a good week. Do you have any tips?
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I have a family of four and was wondering how in the world you keep your bill 120 and under. Mine is currently around 170 on a good week. Do you have any tips?

    This is kind of how I shopped when my kids were little.

    Buy all cereal on sale. Limit the "treat" type snacks, like fruit chews, store bought cookies, ice cream . I never let my kids drink juice, they had the choice of milk or water. I would just really watch the sales and stock up on things when it's cheap. Don't buy anything in little individual packages, I buy a big box of a food (say crackers) and then divide it myself in to little baggies. Learn plan ahead. I make up a menu (at least in my head) so I can make sure that I use up any of the fresh stuff I buy. Like this week I needed cabbage for a recipe but wasn't going to use the whole head. So I found something else that also called for cabbage that I'll make later this week. Try to by things in bigger quantities. The bigger box might cost a little more, but ounce for ounce it's cheaper.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Well, the fact that we don't HAVE that much money right now helps me keep it at $120 and under. I buy off brand diapers and wipes, fruits, veggies, and whatever meat is on sale. I always have a list, I plan meals a week at a time. I go to Aldi's for milk, juice, ground turkey, cereal, stuff for my hubby's lunch. Sometimes it gets hard to keep groceries at a minimum, because I will want a few things for myself, but I know hubby needs a lunch for work and the kids need good lunches and dinners all week, too.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm really not sure how much we spend on groceries...probably $100 pre week, which is mostly milk! I swear my bf needs a cow all to Luckily when money is tight, he can live of a 50count box of corndogs from Sam's. :laugh:
  • catsdogsandkids
    catsdogsandkids Posts: 21 Member
    There are some very interesting websites out there on how to eat for $25 a week or $30, ect, ect. Our food bill now averages $40 a week for 3 excluding formula, diapers and cat/dog food (roughly another $25-$30, lots of pets). The biggest help in reducing our food budget was writing down everything we spent for a few weeks and menu planning. I shop only the outside of the store, no junk food, processed food aisles and most everything is from scratch (hard in a busy world, but not if you spend one day on the weekend preparing or at least prepping for the week). We use everything too, brown bananas become banana bread, leftover odds and ends vegetables and beef become soup, a clean out the fridge night where we eat a very interesting combination of foods. I buy in bulk at Sam's Club, buy fresh vegetables at Bel Air (more expensive, but better quality) or at the farmers market and canned goods at Winco. Why pay 25-35% more at a fancier grocery store? Fresh non-processed food is actually cheaper if your are willing to do the work