My relationship with food

Scorpio_1 Posts: 2
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
I am really beginning to understand what a horrible relationship I have with food. Being obligated to eat a certain amount of calories a day has really brought up a lot of feelings that I have regarding food. It's actually not as satisfying when you "have" to eat something verses when you eat at your own leisure. And I find it very difficult to eat the full recommended amount of calories. I've been under the assumption that less is more for so long that I have to really work on re-training myself...enlightening all the same.


  • glosettes
    glosettes Posts: 8 Member
    I can relate but on the opposite ends. Not only was it emotionally draining it effected all parts of my life. Socially, I abstained from going out when I knew there were drinks (empty cals). I was physically drained. I used to ration my oranges in quarters. Then I picked up cooking. I attended a few classes, it was great gaining knowledge of quality ingredients, which led me to appreciate the food I ate. I gradually experimented with dishes and and spices. Till this day, there are still certain foods that make me guilty but, appreciating where the food came from and how it was made went a long way to alleviating my emotional eating stresses.
  • mescla
    mescla Posts: 56
    Feel Free to add me.. if you have netflix watch, fat, sick, and nearly dead.. thats what im doing and lost 5 lbs in 5 days so far.. just veggies, and fruits..
  • pearlymae
    pearlymae Posts: 100 Member
    Just remember to start with baby steps, we did not gain this weight over night and it is not going to come off over night, I just finnished reading Dr.Oz's book You on a Diet, lots of good info, helps you to understand you body and emotions towards food, I read everything I can to help understand and to find the right way to do this, The first thing I cut out was McDonalds Moca Frappe's, and soda, it has not bee that hard, I sub. with Crystal Light Pure for the sodas and it is working so far, remember, you need to want to do this and it will get easiler, just remember you are beautiful inside and out, just take care of your self, it will happen if you want it to. Your Friend & Pal in this Jorney :flowerforyou:
  • Sorry if this seems off topic, but buying food on a tight budget helps with eating better. I'm a university student and after a year of having a meal plan (pretty much unlimited access to every deep fried munchie and bad for you food imaginable), I gained some very unwanted weight. I'm now off the meal plan and shopping for myself, and at that on a very tight budget, so whenever I buy food I try to get the best bang for my buck, both nutritionwise and costwise. I try to get fresh fruits and veggies that will last a while in the fridge (like apples and carrots), lots of whole grain products (helps keep me feeling fuller longer as well as being an excellent source of fiber), and lots of snacks that will last a long while (raw nuts, dried fruits, peanut butter, wheat crackers, etc.). Also, making your own versions of some foods helps out a lot, too. I found a website that shows you how to make your own Lara bars and another for home-made oat bars with dried fruits and seeds. Googling some of your favorite things to eat helps, too, as you can find low fat and healthier versions of them. Hope this didn't seem like a self-righteous bargain dieter rant and was somewhat relevant and helpful :]
  • Joesay25
    Joesay25 Posts: 2
    I just like all types of food i like diffrent type's of food and buffets that is my promblem !
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