Eat my exercise calories? But I'm not hungry.



  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I have never heard that case I'm never eating enough; but dont you want to be in the negative to lose?
    You're still in a negative because this site builds in a deficit. It's set up for you to lose even if you don't exercise, which is why exercise calories (on this site) are a bonus.
  • weightofyourskin

    Also, if i'm recalling right you said you walked a 10K? that's about 6.2 miles, and i'm assuimng that took you quite some time because I run that in about 55 min.. ANY time you exercise for more than 60 min, you should be eating something small or just a supplement to give you extra energy. When you go on your walk, eat a granola bar after an hour or bring a gaterade to drink. You need to think of FUELING your body. Eat more small things throughout the day. Also, find foods that are high in calories because you are having an issue with that. So protein shakes, milk, protein bars, banana, apples, carrots, avacado.. etc.

    It was about 1h45. I always eat some fresh fruit/veggies and a granola bar during my walks (and drink about 3 cups of water).

    I'll definitely have to plan my meals better! I haven't been exercising this much for a long time, so I'm used to eating small lunches and low-cal snacks because in the past I didn't burn off important amounts of calories throughout the day and I didn't want to be over by bedtime.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    If you arn't hungry don't eat it is not going to affect how your body is working if you dont eat all the calories back. Hunger is a a sign for needing of food if you are not hungery then why eat. I personally don't eat back my calories don't see the use seem redundant to eat what you burn but thats my choice
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    How are you figuring your burn? Are you wearing a heart rate monitor? It is highly unlikely you burned 500+ cals by walking 6 miles, the average person burns 600 running a 10k so walking would be significantly less. That would be why you're not that hungry, you're potentially over estimating your burn. Just a thought.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I know it's hard to plan, sometimes life happens, but why not make it up the next day? Shame we can't carry over the credit to even out the good and bad days! Or as barbiex3 says, that's a long walk, take a protein bar with you!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I never eat mine back. EVER.

    BUT, if I do exercise, I make sure that my intake is at least AT my goal, unlike most of my days where I'm pretty far under.

    ie: if your goal is 1200, and you workout, make sure you eat AT LEAST 1200, not necessarily all of your calories back.

    BUT, this is my opinion, because it's what works for ME.

    Everyone's body is different. Sometimes you have to play around with different ideas to find what really works for you!

    Good luck on your journey! [:
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    just try to get at least 1000
  • weightofyourskin
    How are you figuring your burn? Are you wearing a heart rate monitor? It is highly unlikely you burned 500+ cals by walking 6 miles, the average person burns 600 running a 10k so walking would be significantly less. That would be why you're not that hungry, you're potentially over estimating your burn. Just a thought.

    I have a fitness app on my iPhone to track it. It's usually on par with what MFP says I've burned when I enter the time spent walking under my cardio exercises for the day or what other fitness websites say when I plug in my pace, weight and time spent walking.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Forgetting the whole eat my exercize calories or don't eat my exercize calories debate.....IF you decide to follow the eat my exercize calories (or at least half of them) motto ... no I don't say Ice cream is the best way to go...there are things that are high in calorie that have better nutrients for you. Hummos, protein bar, protein shake, low fat cheese, whole grains, fruit....