New Member

I just joined myfitnesspal, in the hopes to lose some excess weight. My goal for now is 100lbs. My nickname is tea, and yes it is also my favorite drink. I know more water less tea. I am doing good so far, but I have a long way to go. I am married to a great military man and we have no children yet but would love to have some soon. I am a fulltime nursing student at Winston-Salem State University, and will be graduating in May 2012. I want a killer graduation dress, so off the pounds must come. Nice to meet all of my future friends. Have a good one!


  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Welcome to the site!
  • boringdanielle
    boringdanielle Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome! You add me for a pal if you like! :)
  • gapchtag
    gapchtag Posts: 4
    Welcome aboard, I'm part of the 100+ club also. Don't worry about May, Keep your eye on the small goals, set a new goal every 4 weeks. It is easier and will keep you from getting overwhelmed with the process. So advice I received, and I remind myself every steps. So far it is working for me.
  • vwise314
    vwise314 Posts: 1
    I'm new as well and also have a 100lb goal. My Niece is getting married next year and I too would like to have a smoking dress on. All the best in your journey!