I need motivation! HELP

I find that i have no motivation to exercises, im doing okay with the eating i thnk.

Any pointers?
Interested in helping in some way?

Open for opinions :)


  • Just do anything, for a short period of time out of the day. I will join you. I am working night shift and it has gotten so hard to do my walking. I use to walk 5x a week for 30 minutes no matter what...now when I get off in the morning's I just don't feel like the walk. I am starting fresh in the morning because I am off tonight so I need the motivation as well...come on Let's do this!!!!
  • You have to find something that you like to do. I have learned that if I do something that I just "dread" doing then I want do it. Just try some things out and see what you like. If you have a wii, they have all kinds of exercise games for it.
  • KSHorne
    KSHorne Posts: 38 Member
    I've felt that same way almost every morning. You just gotta find that motivation; whether it's going for a walk, or cleaning the house. You also gotta find a way to keep it interesting. I've woken up morning after morning dreading doing cardio, like the treadmill or strength training day after day.

    If you switch it up every now and then, it might make it easier to find and awaken that motivation to exercise. Don't worry, because we've all been there. It's a [long] process that you gotta work at one step at a time.

    Hope this helps! : )
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    i had the same problem...so i bought a rebounder. now once or twice a day i do interval training on it. i started out doing 5minute sets and yesterday i increased it to 36. i downloaded a stopwatch to my favorites from the internet and time myself. luv it luv it luv it!!! (and the rebounder only cost me $20 @ walmart.