Hotties In The Making o.O



  • PixieThin
    PixieThin Posts: 57
    Can I join? I have about 75 lbs to lose now and a group to help motivate me would be awesome. (:

    sure thing! we gotta do this together! ;)
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    My Goal is to reach 199 by the end of august........... and to START working out........ i have kinect.......ITS AWSOME..........but i lack the motivation to use it :blushing: ............
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    Hello I would like to join! I just weighted myself and i am at 142lbs. I am only 5' 3" so the weight has no where to goal weight is 130. My goal for august is the do Jillian micheals 6week 6pack abs DVD 5 days Week plus two days a week I will add an extra 30 min of exercise.
  • emyjane84
    emyjane84 Posts: 67
    I would love to join! ^^ My goals for August is to lose 5 lbs.
    I'm planning to workout 6 days a week to Ri30. And to eat a little better!

    Height: 5ft 2"
    CW: 148.2
    Mini-GW: 143
    GW: 140
  • kristy3119
    kristy3119 Posts: 46 Member
    My main goal for August is to get myself on a schedule (as far as eating, working out, meal planning for the week, etc.) before school starts next month. I've learned that if I don't have a pretty rigid schedule everything goes out the window as soon as I get busy.

    I'd also like to lose at least 5 pounds by the end of the month...kinda hoping the two go hand in hand :)
  • I have set myself up with a mini goal this week! So far so good! I started doing a 40 minute walk in the mornings! I started Sunday afternoon around 2pm and it was dangerously hot I decided to do it in the early morning. =) depending on how long I can keep myself awake this will be great! I usually only log in 35mins though bc I'm out there with my dog and he likes to investigate everything! haha. I'd go for longer but I may start that next week.

    Sorry for not sharing sooner! I just know that I need to up my game and I think adding a brisk walk in the mornings will help out tons! I've also been working on getting back on a schedule too! I need to start getting back to bed at better times of the night. So better reasons for me to be up walking. =)

    So there you have it.. try to find something you need to work on this week and do it.. why not. You've got nothing else to lose but the weight.. ;)

    haha. I'm so lame. =D
  • My August goal is to lose 5-7 lbs and get more toned. I have a fitness test for the Air Force August 31st so I am hoping to do well on that too. I was sick early this week so I didn't get in as many work outs as I'd like. So my goal for next week is 2 a day work outs for the whole week.

    Starting weight (August): 140
    Current weight 139
  • kristy3119
    kristy3119 Posts: 46 Member
    oh wow 2 a days sound intense! good luck!!
  • Yeah it will be intense but I have this belly pouch from having a baby and it's the first place all the fat goes :smile: So I need to try to cut an inch or two off my waist.
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    My main goal for August is to get myself on a schedule (as far as eating, working out, meal planning for the week, etc.) before school starts next month. I've learned that if I don't have a pretty rigid schedule everything goes out the window as soon as I get busy.

    Amen to that, hubby has been home all week, so i right now i am completely thrown off. He's a truck driver and is usually gone for 6-8 weeks and is usually home 2-3 days, but hes been home for an entire week, which has been great, but bad for weightloss. when he is home were none stop on the go, which means always eating out and not being able to plan out my meals.
  • Ok guys! I haven't been all here lately. I've had a ton on my schedule. I don't like stress either.. I tend to eat when that happens. I decided chewing gum may be a better option. haha.

    So I am doing better with my water intake. I like that. I was doing much better with working out for a while. Until our Xbox started messing up. We sent it to Microsoft to fix it. So I'm trying my best to workout outside. It's been kind of stormy lately. So I've been getting my walking done in smaller increments.

    Anywho that's all for now! Laters!

  • kristy3119
    kristy3119 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey guys!

    How's everyone doing? I've been tracking on my phone the last few days, so I haven't been checking in on here much. I've been dong pretty well the past week (minus a few too many cocktails sunday.....whoopsies lol)
  • Haha I know the feeling too many drinks can spoil my whole week..haha

    How is everyone doing with their goals??? haha. I haven't exactly kept up to mine. Things were slow the first two I'm back again. I have been walking a lot outside working up a sweat & working out on my stairmaster..which I love it kills you in 10min your dead. But I try to keep pushing through to at least night I did 40.. but it's a pain. It has been getting easier for me.. so I can go longer. I went to the park 2 days in a row to walk with my Fiance. We both took the stairs up to the square and we ran up those guys! I was just pushing myself because I need it. I need to do more I'm so frustrated because I need to be dropping more. So I'm hoping working out like crazy will do it.
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    I can tell I will not reach my goal this month, hubby coming home for so long (which was nice, just not for my weight loss) completely blew me off course, but i am back.

    Don't get frustrated Mal you are doing an awsome job, and just know that every little bit that you do counts, just don't push yourself to hard you dont want to burn yourself out and go out with a fizzle, it happens to me when I do.
  • SW:306
    total - 20.4!!! yay!

    Ok so I'm going to start posting my all can do it as well. I just thought I would. Just like how I have it now. I've decided to go ahead and do it. Maybe it's because I'm so thrilled with the number that I'm wanting to do it but yea.. =D I have been walking soooo much and I heard it can do powerful things.. =)

    That's what's up with me.. Hope you all are having a great week!
  • I made a graphic!!!! tooo cute! If anyone wants to use it message me I can't post the code in here it just shows the pic..

    YAY! I think it's super cute... =D
  • How is everyone doing?
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    :sick: bleh :sick: sick:sick: i REALLY hate being sick!!!
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