Have you ever done a "cleanse"?

So I see SO many different cleanses out there and I personally have never done one. I'm not sure I really even believe in them. I looked tonight at Bob Harpers cleanse -- Senna, a laxative is probably the main "cleanse" ingredient in that one. Jillian has her "detox" out there too- Magnesium the "detox" ingredient in that one. I have Shakeology and yes I am aware of the Shakeology 3 day cleanse. I think I might be able to stick to that one. Im just curious how people have liked or dislike ANY of these and was there any REAL long term benefits that you felt? Anyone have a bad experience? Im not sold on doing one, it was just something I was thinking about tonight.


  • SaraWojcik19
    SaraWojcik19 Posts: 114 Member
    I am very interested in this too. I've been considering it as well.:smile:
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    to me, none of those products are good cleanses. A cleanse to me is healthy eating...whole, organic as close to the earth type foods as you can get...and it takes a long time. I did it for one year once under a naturopaths care and I felt wonderful at the end of the year. it was amazing. I don't know if I could do it again. Also, he did give me some supplements, but nothing like they call these 1,2 or 3 day cleanses...I don't believe you can truely cleanse the body in such a short time...you're just cleaning out the intestine.
  • Freeapollo
    Freeapollo Posts: 25
    I have been eating healthy so I don't really know how beneficial one would be however I am interested if anyone would share I would be happy to learn.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    You don't need any of that stuff. Every single "cleanse" product is developed by people who want your money. Period.

    The only cleanse I've ever heard of that makes sense is eating nothing but raw fruits and vegetables for a few days.
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    I would be very careful of cleanses. I had to do a cleanse a few years ago because my intestines were in HORRIBLE shape. I felt like a million bucks after doing the cleanse, but I wouldn't take this lightly. It was a last resort for me. I did the Vitazan full body cleanse.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    they are bs and worthless..
    our bodies are meant to have certain floras in our bowels. i know that just because what comes out is nasty, doesnt mean it is harmful for the body.

    eating healthy is far more beneficial for your bowels and 'cleansing' than this crap.

    your body naturally filters outs toxins..through the liver and kidneys. it doesnt need any help
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    To me a "cleanse" is just getting rid of all the nasties out of your diet - refined foods, additives, preservatives, sugar, etc.
    If you stick to healthy natural foods you wont need any of those fad cleansing diets.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    to me, none of those products are good cleanses. A cleanse to me is healthy eating...whole, organic as close to the earth type foods as you can get...and it takes a long time. I did it for one year once under a naturopaths care and I felt wonderful at the end of the year. it was amazing. I don't know if I could do it again. Also, he did give me some supplements, but nothing like they call these 1,2 or 3 day cleanses...I don't believe you can truely cleanse the body in such a short time...you're just cleaning out the intestine.

    TOTALLY AGREE. Especially if you're already eating a good, healthy, reduced calorie diet.... you shouldn't need a cleanse.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I personal have not done a cleanse YET! If you get the opportunity to watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (I saw it on Netflix) you should watch it. Not only is it really educational, it is actually done in a way that is entertaining.

    Personally, I purchased a juicer last December. I lost the most weight since I started this in January and February when the whole idea of juicing was new and I liked experimenting. My kids kind of got sick of me juicing everything but the kitchen sink and I backed off. After seeing that documentary I have a new respect and interest in trying juicing again.

    Best of luck to you... let me know if and how your cleanse works out. Friend me
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    they are bs and worthless..
    our bodies are meant to have certain floras in our bowels. i know that just because what comes out is nasty, doesnt mean it is harmful for the body.

    eating healthy is far more beneficial for your bowels and 'cleansing' than this crap.

    your body naturally filters outs toxins..through the liver and kidneys. it doesnt need any help

    took the words out of my ..... keyboard LOL
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've done a fruit cleanse. Four days of mainly fruit and a few veggies and half a cup of brown rice if you want it. It was AWESOME! It's not a healthy diet to maintain, but it's an awesome way to get back on track if you've fallen off the wagon for a while.
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    I notice it's always the people who have never done one who have the most advice to give. For me it was life and death.... a last resort, if you will. All my doc wanted to do was to put me on anti-depressants and IBS meds. After the cleanse... I felt like a million bucks! I'd do it again if I needed it!
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Don't fall for that crap. (pun intended). The only time you need a cleanse is to prepare for a colonoscopy. I have worked for 15 years for a gastroenterologist so am familiar with all the devastation we do to our bodies in the name of weight loss. Just eat clean, healthy foods and you will see what that does for you for the long term. Otherwise, any short-term weight loss you get from a cleanse is going to be regained quickly and the affects on your body are going to come back with preservatives and unhealthy eating.

    So, don't put crap in your mouth and you won't need to worry about cleansing! :wink:
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I notice it's always the people who have never done one who have the most advice to give. For me it was life and death.... a last resort, if you will. All my doc wanted to do was to put me on anti-depressants and IBS meds. After the cleanse... I felt like a million bucks! I'd do it again if I needed it!

    Right there with you.
  • Tanyabear_
    Tanyabear_ Posts: 16 Member
    "your body naturally filters outs toxins..through the liver and kidneys. it doesnt need any help" Actually that happens when you have full function of said organs.

    Take some time and google auto intoxication I do cleanse on occassion, everything from a gallbladder cleanse to master cleanse. However I have never used any packaged products.

    Hope this gives you another opinion/option/answer
  • smithak2
    smithak2 Posts: 12
    I wouldn't put much faith in any cleanse product. Some of them may work, but unless you change your diet its only a short term answer. I have seen people take cleanse products before, mostly because they did certain illegal drugs and when a drug test came for college sports, they attempted to clean themselves of the "evidence" in their body left behind by these drugs and I will tell you I they did not have a good time; liquid coming out both ends and feeling terrible.

    Your liver, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys all play roles in cleaning your body from toxins. However, these toxins have to be present in your humors (fluids) to be filtered out. If they are stored in your adipose tissue, they are not going to be cleansed unless they are released into the body through metabolism or they actually begin to do damage and WBC attemp to clean up the problem. This happens all the time, you just don't know it goes on because your immune system is able to keep up with the turmoil. Its only when you immune system breaks down you notice problems.

    If you change your diet and try to eat organic foods with little processing, hormones, antibiotics, and so on along with burning fat so you can get those toxins out, you will slowly cleanse your body naturally and feel great. I used to eat a not so great diet with lots of processed foods. My mom goet arthiritis and changed her diet to organic foods and it is almost vanished and in remission. I have changed my diet as well now to more organics, fruits, veggies, organic meats, and I felt terrible for about 5 days. Now i feel amazing.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I did a 28 day natural cleanse beginning in the middle of April and I HAVE FELT GREAT SINCE THE END OF THE FIRST WEEK OF THAT CLEANSE. I kid you not. I'm not sure what the cleanse is called, but I learned about it from someone who once knew former WWE wrestler, the Iron Sheik. Apparently the Sheik and other wrestlers do this cleanse once or twice a year (which would be too often for any of us). Here is the skinny on the cleanse:

    1. for the first 2 weeks, you will eat only veggies. you can eat them any way you want...there are benefits to eating raw veggies, but you're not going to be able to eat only raw veggies throughout the cleanse. Essentially, I swapped between raw veggies...whether alone or mixed together in a salad...and stir fry. My favorite stir fry mix was onions, spinach, yellow squash, zucchini, bean sprouts, mushrooms and broccoli...mixed with some EVOO, reduced sodium soy sauce, and reduced sodium Kikoman Stiry Fry sauce (you can replace the stir fry sauce with Hoisin sauce if you want). you can eat as much as you want (so long as they are veggies).

    2. during the second 2 weeks, you can also eat 2 grilled chicken breasts per day...along with the veggies.

    3. you can use EVOO, and only EVOO. in fact, EVOO is good for you and you should aim to use some each day.

    4. approach 1 gallon of cold water each day. this is the only thing you can drink, and you SHOULD drink lots of water. if you want some flavor, using a real lemon or the truelemon stuff is ok.

    5. you are permitted to also eat some sugar free jello as well. When I asked the guy how much are you permitted, he said that you can have some, but try not to use too much belly space on the jello because you will need the nutrients from the veggies.

    6. you take NO supplements during the cleanse. this is an all natural cleanse.

    Now, a word of warning...if you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages, you may want to begin to wean yourself off of the caffeine before starting the cleanse. some folks suggest just quitting caffeine cold turkey. just know that you will likely experience some affects of caffeine withdrawal, mostly in the form of headaches and irritability. This should go away after a few days....especially if you are faithful to your water drinking.

    I felt an increase in energy during and especially after the cleanse. I have had maybe 6 caffenated beverages since the cleanse ended 2+ months ago. I don't need caffeine or the junk in soda. I continue to drink primarily water and, usually once per day, a Sobe lifewater.

    There are less restrictive versions of this type of cleanse that I have seen (i.e., permitting fruits) and you can research those if you are interested. I can only tell you what I did and that I was 100% happy I did it.
  • Dmax12
    Dmax12 Posts: 36 Member
    I would suggest "Restoring your digestive Health" By Dr. Rubien. I was EXTREMLY sick (spent a lot of time at the doctors and was hospitalized a few times) and meds were not working, I did his routine (it is pretty rough, not exactly the best tasting stuff ever) and I went from being VERY underweight to having to loose a few pounds because everything is working again!!! His book is not a system per say, but it has a 2 - 4 week routine meant to boost your body naturally while at the same time removing chemicals and changing your eating habits to a much more organic choice.

    If anyone is interested in it let me know, I pretty much owe my life to this thing!