Sick and Gained Weight?

I've been sick for about a week now with strep throat and an ear infection which affected my eating habits; basically I wasn't hungry. I would eat around breakfast and dinner time, very little portions just because I wasn't hungry. Somehow I gained a little weight... I wasn't exercising because I felt like crud (but I wasn't exercising a huge amount before and was losing weight). Is my body in starvation mode despite that I wasn't eating because I was sick?


  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    If you were getting under 1200 calories, yes... you went into starvation mode. Hope you feel better so that you can re-boot your metabolism!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    YES! Exactly right, your body is in starvation/survival mode.

    I went through the same thing in March when I was sick with bronchitis. I wound up gaining back 4 lbs of the 7 I had lost. It does get easier as you go along and exercise more.