Just another newbie (:

My name's Colette and I'm eighteen, and I'm about to enter college Fall 2011. I'm a vegetarian that's planning on going vegan when I can afford to buy the more expensive foods and supplements so that I don't become anaemic or something. Basically, I feel like crap about the way I look and want to change it. I want to lose 70+ lbs in the next few years, I really hope I can do it (:

Anyway. Hello :3 I want friends. </3 College kids maybe? (:


  • a_q_u_a_lizard
    hey congrats on starting! thats the first and sometimes the hardest step. my first two years of uni i gained about 50 pounds just because i was so stressed out..but you just have to release your stress by working out instead of eating. im now finishing my 3rd year and decided to get healthy! you can add me if you want...we can ***** about exams together haha!