How do I get my veggies in



  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I put spinach in just about everything!! Salad eggs smoothies...
    there is a great website call the Green Monster movement that has tonnes of smoothie recipies!!!
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    I generally keep it simple. My default is to steam veggies and drizzle some fresh lemon juic on them.

    Also, vegetable soups is a great way to get your veggies in and soups are very filling.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    My smarta$$ response is: with a fork.

    But, my helpful response is: find things that are easy first, like the fresh cut veggies in the produce area, or like the pre-made sishkabobs at the meat counter. That way it doesn't seem daunting. I also generally suggest an easy pasta dish with hearty veggies like spinach, squash/zucchini, and broccoli - just toss the cut up veggies on top of the sauce while it heats to steam the veggies. Another option: consider it an adventure. Try new things for fun. There are tons of recipes on this website or by Googling the veggie. I love going to my farmers' market and seeing what awesomeness is in season, asking the farmer how they make it, then trying it myself. Several farmers I get veggies from have stacks of recipes at their booth.

    I suggest the farmers' market over the grocery store any and every day. The veggies are fresh picked and taste much much better than the stuff that's been sitting in stores. But if you are new to the veggie world, the grocery store is an ok place to start to learn.

    For some reason vegetable has become a 4 letter word in our culture. Good luck!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm a veggie eater so it's easy for me, but I realize some people aren't. One easy way is in a smoothie. Add a cup of spinach to any fruit smoothie. It will be a funky color, but you don't taste the spinach at all.

    People who eat meatloaf also grind up spinach into the meat mash.

    You can also blend them up into a marinara sauce.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I HATE most veggies. but yesterday I tried something new. It was for my kids. I blended spinach, yellow & Italian squash, mushrooms, tomato and carrots together and mixed it in with pasta sauce. We all loved it. I felt so proud that we all ate so many veggies and didn't really taste them at all. And whatever taste we tasted was actually really yummy. My 4 year old said it was the best sauce ever. (of course she had no idea). hee hee. now to find new ways without pasta.:smokin: