What's a good coffee?



  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    I like the Starbucks FUFU coffee,you know the triple vente tuxedo mocha,but it has 600 calories. Dunkin Doughnuts is very good but my favorite is CAMERON'S Kona blend. IMHO it is the Best.
    SHORTYSF Posts: 9
    Christopher Bean is my absolute favorite! They have the weirdest flavor coffees but I love 'em all!! OMG gotta try Bananas Foster... sooooooooo good!
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Community coffee is a great brand that has several varieties to pick from. The taste is consistently great and it has a better price than other premium coffees. I like the Cafe Roast best, myself. Peet's coffee is also very good ,but very pricey, and pretty strong for a beginner. A word of advice : never brew weak coffee (use too little coffee). It will be bitter. It is better to dilute it after you make it if you have to. Also, I always use half and half in mine, and it's worth it!! Not that many calories and those creamers are nasty!
  • I am definitely partial to a local company that is roasted in the town where I live, but I believe is available further out called Wicked Joe. If you are looking for a national brand I am definitely a Starbucks girl. If you are looking for the benefits of high caffeine, one thing to remember is that the darker the darker the roast the less caffeine there is.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    I'm far from a coffee conaseaur (SP?) , but I do have a Keurig & my fav is also Newmans Special Decaf. I have tried a ZILLION since I got my brewer & some have been really nasty. It's all a matter of taste. If you want high octane they have Jet Fuel, but I think that would eat the lining of my stomach! lol Breakfast blend is good, but my friends who are true coffee drinkers call me a wuss for that! It's mild! ha ha ha Just experiment! It's crazy how many varieties are out there! :drinker:

    Breakfast blend may be mild but it has a higher caffeine content than bolder coffees.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    If you want to make something at home you can get (at local grocery store) starbucks brand cafe verona... its so good!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    For single origin drip or french press... Yemen Mohka San'ani was one of the most memorable I've ever had. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe (or pretty much any of the coffees of Ethiopia. You can't really go wrong.) Sulawesi for a nice thick bold cup.

    For straight espresso I prefer blends - favorites are Vicace's Dolce and Sweet Maria's Moka Kadir and Espresso Monkey blends.

    Gee thanks, now I want coffee.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    LOL@ taso.. I was thinking the same.. coffffffeeeeeeeee
  • pyroxian
    pyroxian Posts: 99
    For single origin drip or french press... Yemen Mohka San'ani was one of the most memorable I've ever had. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe (or pretty much any of the coffees of Ethiopia. You can't really go wrong.) Sulawesi for a nice thick bold cup.

    For straight espresso I prefer blends - favorites are Vicace's Dolce and Sweet Maria's Moka Kadir and Espresso Monkey blends.

    Gee thanks, now I want coffee.

    Definitely a fan of locally roasted small-shop coffees, personally. Anyplace that you can walk into and talk to the roaster and throw yourself on his/her mercy & say "I'm a coffee virgin - be gentle" then actually take his/her suggestion is going to be a good experience. Try it black first - that's really the only way to have it, IMHO.

    I'm also partial to Ethiopian coffee - the coffee that took me from cream & sugar to black (and never going back) was a particularly nice year's Ethiopia Harar Horse - amazing blueberry notes in it that year. Buuuut... since that particular region of Ethiopia is hit or miss and highly dependent upon the season I don't point people to it anymore (when it's bad it's BAD) - having said that, Yirgacheffe or Sidamo are both generally consistent and great "starter" coffees IMHO - (floral and fruit notes, bright flavors, but not too acidic - "accessible" )

    And damnit - I want coffee now too.
  • rahall14
    rahall14 Posts: 10
    +1 on the Peet's recommendation. I am a fan of the French Roast but am working through some Columbian I picked up on sale a while ago and it isn't bad either. Another good one of theirs is Major ****ason's Blend, it isn't quite as strong. In other words, I don't think you can go wrong with them but coffee is a matter of taste.
  • rahall14
    rahall14 Posts: 10
    Seriously MFP, you edited out the NAME OF A COFFEE?!?!
  • A subject near and dear to my heart. For whole beans, Dunkin' Donuts isn't bad. Definitely a perky coffee. If you want something smooth, I recently tried Don Francisco's and was pleasantly surprised.

    The Starbucks Via instant coffee isn't bad. Very surprising.

    I wouldn't recommend Starbucks freshly grounded. Just not my thing. The Archer Farms brand from Target's also been a disappointment.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yemen Mohka San'ani & Major ****ason's Blend are my all time favorites. I can't get them here in Tx, (and I keep forgetting to order...) When I go to Ca. I set aside a coffee budget to bring some back. Husband says, "Wow, I always forget how much we spent on coffee, (not coffee drinks!) when we lived here...man, this is good!"

    I agree, you can't really go wrong with an Ethiopian coffee.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    When in Canada, try Tim Horton's. Canadians are as passionate about their Timmies as we are about hockey.

    My favourite coffee, however, is Starbucks House Blend. The right balance of acidity, bitterness and sweetness to make a great cup, without being overwhelmingly strong. My go-to blend for every day drinking.

    The great thing about coffee is there are so many to choose from, and half the fun is trying them all!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I love the Starbucks Verona. It's dark and slightly sweet, with hints of dark chocolate.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I buy Javan beans and grind as I need them. Partly as the smell is delicious as you grind. Sometimes I add a cardamon pod to the grinder as I go for an arabic touch.

    Turkish coffee is pretty good but an experience nonetheless!!!

    The best coffee I had was in Indonesia. We'd been thundering down a little not-very-full river on tyres, and got to a little shack where I had coffee with coarse grounds floating on the top and an inch of sugar sat in the bottom (DO NOT STIR!!!). Bloomin' marvellous. Sadly that river was later to cause the deaths of many of the villagers as flashfloods sent logs from an illegal logging company spinning down the river and took out the whole village. hmmm.

    Also in Malaysia they make an ultra-smooth coffe by pouring the milky coffee into the cup from a great height - it adds bubbles and froths it. Rather good.

    I try and buy fairtrade wherever I can. I do NOT go near instant. Pah!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm a coffee snob so I won't get into the debate, but I will say don't just think of coffee as a post-workout drink, I know I read somewhere that a black coffee, about 20 minutes before a workout, will help you go harder and longer. I've tried this, and while it doesn't help with weights so much, it definitely improves my cardio performance. Don't know why, might just be a mental thing, but it works for me!!

    Edit: This is what I read, I think:

  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Anything but Tim Horton's. ;) (Once I stopped ordering a double-double, I realized all I liked about it was all that cream and sugar - who wouldn't?!)

    But in all seriousness, Kicking Horse medium roast (any of them) coffee has been my go-to bean for a while. I grind it myself and then use a french press.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I tend to prefer single origin coffees, especially from a few regions of Africa. Can't go wrong with a good quality Ethiopian Yirgacheffe IMO! It's my standard coffee. And Green Mountain's Tanzanian Gombe Reserve is a good "everyday" coffee and fairly affordable. I'm not a fan of most South American coffees and good coffees from other regions can be hard to find some places.
  • babynurse123
    babynurse123 Posts: 50 Member