
SamanthaBurr Posts: 6 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
My husband and I have been doing MFP for 60+ days now, I've lost 10 lbs and he has been stuck at his current weight for a long time now. He gets in exercise and watches what he eats...any suggestions for him?? He started running 3+ times a week, but still no success. I hate for him to get discouraged while he is trying so hard. We didn't measure at the first, but did a month ago, maybe once we re-measure he will see the success that way.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,911 Member
    My husband and I have been doing MFP for 60+ days now, I've lost 10 lbs and he has been stuck at his current weight for a long time now. He gets in exercise and watches what he eats...any suggestions for him?? He started running 3+ times a week, but still no success. I hate for him to get discouraged while he is trying so hard. We didn't measure at the first, but did a month ago, maybe once we re-measure he will see the success that way.
    If you haven't changed the actual exercise routine, then the body has adapted to it by 60 days. Also, it's not usual for people to be not as "strict" as they were in the beginning with their intakes. Little schluffing off here and there adds up in calories.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    When weight loss stops, it all comes down to the little things:

    1. Water - divide half your/his weight and drink that in OUNCES minimum.
    2. Fiber - 25-30g per day. This keeps things flowing.
    3. Protein - 25-30% of your diet. Keeps you full, keeps you from snacking, helps rebuild muscle after workout and helps you lose weight
    4. Sodium - 2500mg per day. If you go over, drink MORE water.
    5. Clean eating. Lean meat (turkey, fish, chicken), veggies (think green - and variety. Don't eat the same veggies everyday. Your body needs a VARIETY of nutrients), healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, avocado), and complex carbs (whole grain ANYTHING, sweet potatoes, any veggie that's starchy is a good carb - peas, carrots, potatoes, just don't overdo them because they are still carbs and they get sticky)
    6. Ratio of cardio:strength training. If he's not lifting weights, he should be. Everyone should be. It's good for your heart, builds muscle, and will allow you to see a difference on the tape measurer when the scale isn't moving. Cardio should not be overdone but should be done enough to burn fat while the strength training is building muscle. Try 30-60 minutes per day 3x/week for strength training and 30-60 minutes cardio everyday.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Make sure he weighs his portions and doesn't just calculate them by eye. Also be careful with snacks, get the phone app and log them straight away, else you may forget when you get to the computer. It happened to me a few times only remembering to add something once I shutdown the PC.

    Make sure his lifestyle settings on his profile are set correctly if he's mostly sedentary set it for that or your deficit will not reflect the correct lifestyle.

    Don't stress too much over weight, check also inches. Try to check them weekly at the same time (best is to set a day of the week and do it first thing in the morning when you wake up on that day every week).

    Hope it helps.
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