Top 3 Favorite( not the best) NFL football teams and why?



  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    1. Bengals (yeah, go ahead and laugh). I've been a fan since I was 11 and they went to their first Super Bowl. I have been going through some lean years since then, with the exception of a few decent years. Being a Bengals fan is like having herpes...a disease you can live with, but you just can't cure. Plus you can always time the flare-ups, usually between Sept-Dec...LOL.

    2. Anyone who is playing the Steelers (I hate the Steelers more than any team in the universe...just because)

    3. Anyone who is playing the Ravens (I almost hate the Ravens as much as the Steelers)
  • AmyBeth719
    AmyBeth719 Posts: 184 Member
    1. Colts - They are awsome. Love Manning, he is an amazing player/role model/person. Plus Mike Hart (Go Blue!)

    2. The Lion's - My home team, miss Barry Sanders, however, the team is looking up!

    3. The Patriots - Tom Brady is great and a U of M boy!

    I cannot wait for football season! :o)
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    !. Tennessee Titans- because I used to be a Houston Oilers Fan! Love ya Blue! Kenny Stabler, Earl Cambell, Warren Moon, Bruce Matthews, Eddie George! House of Pain, those were the days!

    2. Seattle Seahwaks - The girl in me loves their colors! Sooooo pretty!

    3. And that's it because I love my Tennessee Titans! I know make fun of me, but I am loyal!
  • danibee41989
    danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
    1. Bears - From Chicago....Although, I'm huge Brett Farve and Aaron Rodgers fan...I know I shouldn't be haha
    2. San Diego Chargers...I liked them when Ladanian Tomlinson was on their team...Thought he was a good
    3. Back in the day, I liked the rams when warner was on their team
    4. 03' bucs

    Least favorite .... basically anything from philly or pittsburgh, including baseball teams.
    ...I CANT STAND THE STEELERS!! grr... lol
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Redskins - been a fan since the early 80s. We have seen glory before, God willing we will see it again before I die!
    Colts - Two words: Peyton Manning.
    (tie) Saints - gotta love a perennial underdog who finally makes good; and Packers - they're a tough team, their fanbase is loyal beyond compare, and their ownership model is the best in the league (sadly, no longer allowed under the current by-laws). Would that the 'Skins could be owned by a fan-owned corporation - we'd run Snyder out of town on a rail!

    Most hated - Dallas. 'Nuff said.
  • FutureMrsWanland
    Anybody who plays the Packers...are my favorite...sorry, Chicago love here :)
    Broncos - home team

    Cardinals - cause I was told I had to yesterday :P

  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    1. Steelers
    2. Steelers
    3. Steelers

    Pittsburg born and raised, nuff said .
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    1. Bengals (yeah, go ahead and laugh). I've been a fan since I was 11 and they went to their first Super Bowl. I have been going through some lean years since then, with the exception of a few decent years. Being a Bengals fan is like having herpes...a disease you can live with, but you just can't cure. Plus you can always time the flare-ups, usually between Sept-Dec...LOL.

    2. Anyone who is playing the Steelers (I hate the Steelers more than any team in the universe...just because)

    3. Anyone who is playing the Ravens (I almost hate the Ravens as much as the Steelers)

    a little envious maybe?
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    San Diego Chargers
    Detroit Lions

    That is all. I grew up going to Lions games, so yes, I know they are LOSERS, but I am a loyal fan, and I love them like a "challenged" child.
    I spent 10 years living in, and going to Chargers games, so I have a love for them as well.

    *sigh* maybe one day my teams will make it to the big show, while I am still alive to see it.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    1. The Packers. My parents both grew up in Green could I not? Depending on who you talk to, either they or my Grandma were/was at the Ice Bowl. (Not sure I buy that, but it's a good story. :laugh: ) And there's NOTHING like watching a game at Lambeau. I still have EVERY respect for Favre - the Old Man is a legend on field, regardless of the dumb*** things he doess off the field. And Donald Driver...'nuff said. SO glad he got his ring!

    2. The Colts. I miss Tony Dungee. I think Peyton Manning should probably do more football and less commercials, but I like the guy

    3. I dunno. Whoever beats the Patriots and the Cowboys. :D
  • shiggyshane
    shiggyshane Posts: 215
    NY Giants - i have been liking them since i was a kid and LT changed the game.

    Steelers - the a tough blue color team the to me most of america heck the world can relate to
    they smash mouth football and who doenst love that!

    49ers - sincei live in the bay and have gone to a few games and all my friends are niner fans so
    i support them.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    1. Chicago Bears woo woo!! I grew up a fan and will forever be a fan. No matter how many bars, tables, floors or chairs I have to slam my head on because they nearly kill me EVERY game.

    2. Miami Dolphins Mama is a Dolphins fan... I am by default as well. Unless they play the Bears:)

    3. Anybody who beats the Patriots:)
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Falcons--they got Julio Jones this year..
    Saints--they got Mark Ingram this year
    Raiders--they HAVE my favorite Rolando McClain...all former University of Alabama players, all three played on 2009 NC team.

    I love my Crimson Tide..gonna follow my favorite players.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Falcons--they got Julio Jones this year..
    Saints--they got Mark Ingram this year
    Raiders--they HAVE my favorite Rolando McClain...all former University of Alabama players, all three played on 2009 NC team.

    I love my Crimson Tide..gonna follow my favorite players.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member


    DALLAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and anyone that beat the EAGLES :bigsmile:
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    1. Really... the ONLY team there is out there... PITTSBURGH STEELERS!!!! Born and raised in the 'Burgh... there's no other team to cheer for when you live in that part of the country!

    2. If I had to pick a 2nd... Tampa Bay Bucs... I used to follow them when I lived in Florida for a short time, and I took a liking to their new stadium when it was built.

    3. Hmmmm... this one is tough... I could list the teams I HATE much easier! LOL My 3rd would have to be the feel good story of the 2000's... the New Orleans Saints. I just love their story, and Drew Brees is an awesome QB who has been terribly underrated over the years.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    1. BROWNS!!!!!! Born a Browns fan and will die a Browns fan
    2. whoever is playing the steelers ( this should be obvious since they are our rivals)
    3. whoever is playing the ravens ( same as above)

    I gotta say until you have been to a Cleveland Browns game you have no idea how die hard the fans are. its absolutely amazing. Definitely think McCoy may break that rookie QB curse
  • 2Heavy2Long
    2Heavy2Long Posts: 315 Member
    1. Of course the Steelers! Most Super Bowl wins is more than enough reason to have haters.

    2. Indianapolis. Manning is one of the all time greats and actually appears to be a good guy. Wish my quarterback was.

    3. Chicago. They have had some great defenses over the years.
  • 2Heavy2Long
    2Heavy2Long Posts: 315 Member
    1. BROWNS!!!!!! Born a Browns fan and will die a Browns fan
    2. whoever is playing the steelers ( this should be obvious since they are our rivals)
    3. whoever is playing the ravens ( same as above)

    I gotta say until you have been to a Cleveland Browns game you have no idea how die hard the fans are. its absolutely amazing. Definitely think McCoy may break that rookie QB curse

    Brown paper bags is considered die hard?