Injury stories

Well, as I'm sitting here about to go to sleep, I thought if both share a couple injuries I've recent one in the past.

Recently I'm dealing with, what I think, is just a sprained tendon or something.
maybe some of you guys out there might know what I'm talking about.
Its the tight muscle or fiber like feeling muscle that runs down the inside of your leg.
near the groin or inner hip. I pulled it initially I think from trying hiit for the first time.
(hope its fine tomorrow so I can get back to cardio)

The injury in the past, and I'm not exactly sure how to avoid this
One... You ever do standard curls and just have your biceps completely
Locked up the next day? (and for like the next week, lol)
You just becomes completely inflexible. I remember having my wife (then girlfriend)
Try pulling on my arms to straighten them out, to no avail.

Anyway I just thought I'd share. Any suggestions on how to avoid the
Above 2? Any injuries you guys want to also share?

(oh and I apologize for the formatting of this post.I'm writing
On my smart phone and it has issues with bbs's.)


  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Almost killed in a car accident on 8-17-89 that caused a closed-head injury, multiple fractured ribs, a punctured lung, bear-clawed kidney, a fractured pelvis, a lacerated liver, a ruptured spleen & numerous scars. Given 20% chance to make it through that first night - but here I am.
    February - July 2011 Went to the podiatrist regarding my ankle. All the dr had to do was touch it (as I almost kicked him) to know that something was wrong. I am now using my crutch, wearing the walking cast & also have a brace around my ankle. I have either torn, shredded or just badly irritated the tendon that keeps my arches lifted, because I am now a flatfoot on the right side. He wrote me a prescription for Vicodin. Hydrocodone wasn't working to ease the pain of my ankle, so now my doctor has put me on percocet. I took a percoset & went to sleep. 4am Thrusday morning, I woke my husband due ot my ankle hurting (again) & he gave me another percoset. 10am Thursday morning, I was violently ill, shakes, sweating, dizzy & spent the day in the ER. They gave me something for the nausea, morphine for the pain & another medicine all thru my IV drip.Sometime yesterday afternoon, they released me with the understanding that I would stick to the BRAT (Banana Rice Applesauce Toast) diet. I came home, ate 1/2 of a banana & it came right back up. I went to bed but barely slept more 2 hours before waking up in pain again. Around 3:30 this morning, my husband gave me a unisom & I slept until almost 10. Today I have eaten 4 slices of toast & a bowl of spaghetti noodles, which both stayed down. So it looks like I am able to hold food down, but I am not going overdo it. The next step (no pun intended) is surgery on my ankle because my arch has fallen & my foot now rolls inward if I do not use the walking cast. I have just been diagnosed with Posterior Tibial Tendon Disease & the x-ray also showed an extra bone in my foot that has shredded the tendon that wraps around my ankle. I am wearing a boot with a kickstand that I have to engage any time I sit down to keep my foot at a 90 degree angle so the new tendon that they built heals correctly. The tendon that was shredded was 1/4 inch in diameter & it should have been an 1 inch - so it will take 6 months to a year for the new one to heal correctly. I just had 60 staples removed from my foot. It took 2 1/2 hours, but I DO feel better. I will be starting physical therapy soon, but still not allowed to put any weight on it (walk) yet. My next next appointment is in 6 weeks.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    um.... I dislocated my kneecap in 2001 pulling up my pants from getting up off the potty :) Had to be taken to the Emergency Room with my pants down around my ankles by some wonderful paramedics who didn't give me any slack for the injury . LOL Humorous details will be given if you'd like :)

    Fast forward to 2008, I slip on ice in the parking lot of my apartment complex, dislocate the other kneecap and land on the knee while the kneecap is out of place. I still have issues with this knee, including a ligament that sticks and a lump on the inside of my knee.

    Stupid knees......
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    In 2010 I blew out my left rotator cuff in my shoulder playing ice hockey. 6 months of physical therapy 3 times a week and it still gives me issues. I can't do pull ups or leg raises where I hang. I can't hang from the bars Bc it just hurts too much.