New starter

Hello all
I am a new starter, my first day was yesterday and i have been good so far, even done a bit of Zumba today, don't know how long i will have the patience to keep filling in my food, i think if i don't i will soon go off the rails, any tips?


  • lildrmr93
    lildrmr93 Posts: 51
    Welcome to MFP!!! It gets easier as you get more into it. The fact that it keeps track of your recent stuff helps a lot when you have the same items everyday. I drink a glass of milk every night but only had to search for it once. After that it was in my recent and I add it. I also created a "meal" for things like my coffee in the morning and my afternoon tea. It makes it really easy to add things.

    Add me as a friend if you like!!!
  • caza6464
    caza6464 Posts: 29
    Thanx, i am just getting round to finding easy ways to do things, i am sure i will get there, thanx for tips

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  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    tracking is a big key. would it be easier if u track the night before. that may help you