How would I catogorise my exercise class?!!!


Looking for some help here. . .

I go to an exercise class that consists of well. . . a bit of everything! Problem is, I don't know how to catogorise it under the fitness database.

It consists of aerobics,balance ball and resistance training. Plus, v quick paced ab work and squats. . .

Any help would be appreciated.


  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    If you don't want to break it down by aerobic, strength, etc, I usually log it as a circuit training. I don't know if its right or wrong but that's just how I log mine if I don't break it down by type. Good luck!
  • darcyrobillard
    Sounds fun! I would log as Curcuit Training
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i agree i would go with circuit training
  • lacostalot
    lacostalot Posts: 22
  • shanice_22
    shanice_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I agree - circuit training. I go to a boxercise class, a step class and an aerobics class, but they all involve such a variety I just log them as circuit training. Sometimes I'll separate them into separate things, so for the cardio part I log as high impact aerobics and then the rest as circuit training.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Get a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) then you can find out your actual calorie burn and make up your own exercise.