
Hi Everyone,

This site is amazing! I'm in my 3rd week of using it and have already lost 13lbs :D

Currently I am only doing swimming and walking for exercise, does anyone know of any others I can do to help me lose more?



  • Tracey_Smith
    Tracey_Smith Posts: 199
    Well done in such a short time.

    have you thought of cycling, running / jogging, joining a gym, skipping, swimming aerobics, fitness dvd's, the list is endless. Check out the exercise database, there are loda sof ideas on there.
  • mike737
    mike737 Posts: 68
    I love cycling

    Im right into downhill mountain biking but cycling in general is a good cardio exercise. Plus i have bad knees and cant run for any length of time
  • Kirstysamson22
    Thanks for the feedback :)

    I also have a bad knee so I'm a bit scared to run at the moment but will defiantly try cycling