
lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
I'm just wondering how many of you take a multivitamin. What time of the day do you take it? I've been taking a vegan-friendly multivitamin since March, but it started making me nauseous when I changed my eating habits in May. It's a two-dose one, but I only take one pill per day. I switched back to my old one (which was centrum - although I found that this one gave me much more energy than centrum), but that didn't make a difference. My doctor suggested that I take it at night to "sleep through" the nausea, but that didn't make a difference and instead the nausea just kept me awake. My doctor then switched me to an iron free one since she felt that I should still be taking something. I was okay for the first few weeks, but it has started making me nauseous again (although not to the extent as the one with iron in it which was making me vomit - sorry for the TMI). Has anyone else had this experience? What did you do about it to make the nausea stop? (And yes, I take it with food - breakfast, lunch, dinner, it doesn't matter - it still makes me nauseous. And no, I am not pregnant!)


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My husband gets nauseous from vitamins if he doesn't eat them with a big meal. The biggest meal of the day for us is dinner, so that's when he takes his, and they never make him queasy anymore. He started off taking them at breakfast but every morning he'd feel ill.

    Are you eating small meals throughout the day or bigger meals?
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    My pharmacist recommended to me Centrum A-Z when I was experiencing post-viral fatigue and it's worked wonders. I take it at breakfast, with food.

    Mind, I also take a load of other supplements and vitamins, also with breakfast. And I have a couple of meds I have to take - one before breakfast and one with. '
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Small meals. I binge if I don't. (Or at least that's what I used to do - I fear falling back into that!) Although dinner tends to be my largest meal by comparison, so maybe I should try that again. Thanks!
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I take Rainbow Light Women's One Just Once - it says it is gentle on the stomache and so far it hasn't made me nauseous. I take it with either breakfast or lunch as I do have to take vitamins with food.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I have had this exp - surprised your dr didn't pursue it with you. Try taking HALF a tablet before bed for a couple days or every other day. after about a week, take HALF in the morning (or lunchtime) with food and half with dinner or late snack.
    If they still make you sick, I'd go with a jr multi
    oh, DO NOT take it with coffee, juice or even milk - water is best and drink A LOT of water - this is a mistake MANY ppl make with meds - they wash them down with the wrong or not enough fluids - if it says to drink a glass of water - DRINK A GLASS OF WATER with it, there's a reason for this (trust me, learned the hard way)

    PS: is your dr testing your iron levels before giving/removing iron supplements? my dr is VERY clear about this, you can overdose on Iron, or have a deficiency (anemia, I do) this should not be taken or removed all willy-nilly
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm already taking a half dose and it's a caplet rather than a tablet, so I can't cut it in half. I haven't gone back to my doctor yet about this one. She seemed less than impressed when I complained about the previous one.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    @wickedcricket: My iron levels are low, but it was suggested that I try to get this through diet if it was the iron in the multivitamin that was making me sick. She didn't seem too concerned about it when she suggested that I switch to a non-iron multivitamin.