Lost my umph :(

kls79 Posts: 34 Member
I was doing really well at eating, then it happened I hit a rut. I haven't been eating the greatest these past two weeks. I even gained back about 5 lbs. I go to Curves 3 times a week, and I try to take a 40 min walk once a week. I would like to try walking more along with the workouts. I'm just not sure how to get my mojo back. I have a lot of health issues that cause me great pain. I really need to get back in the game to improve my health. Any tips would be greatly apperciated. Thanks!!


  • PhatChic1186
    PhatChic1186 Posts: 173
    I'm just not sure how to get my mojo back. I have a lot of health issues that cause me great pain.

    There you said it yourself.. You have a lot of health issues that cause you pain... Something that has been helping me stick with it is my health issues..I want to give up here and there and then I rethink and say, Do I want to have these health issues forever??? You can do this.. Don't give up..Take it one day at a time.. Try walking at least 20-30 mins everyday, if you can't get any other type of work out in. ..YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I was in your shoes for 2 months back in April-May. I came up with every excuse in the book from not feeling well and being sick, to aches and pains that needed rest. After 2 months of excuses and 4 lbs added back on, I decided I was done with it all! I wanted to get in shape and illnesses, aches, and pains be damned! I jsut chose to do it and have done it ever since! I do have days here and there where I slack off, but I do manage some form of exercise everyday and if I make poor choices with foods, I choose to exercise more and harder to make up for it. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey there, sorry to hear you're in a rut. Have you been doing non-exercise things for yourself? I would recommend just taking a few minutes a day to do something you love-sometimes we just get so focused on one thing that we don't take a minute to enjoy life. I can't tell you what to do about the pain, but maybe your doctor would have suggestions on minimizing the pain while you exercise? I wish you the best of luck and know that you deserve to get that mojo back!
  • Don't give up! Maybe you just need a little break. By that I don't mean completely falling off the fitness wagon ... just ease up.
    Also, have you ever gone further than 40 minutes??? Go furthur! Go fast, go slow, go fast, go slow. Our bodies get in a rut and we need to trick them into saying "wow...something new"!!!! Do little exercises while walking.... I air box and do walking squats.
  • thiswillhappen
    thiswillhappen Posts: 634 Member
    Find a flavoured green tea you like and make it your new favourite thing to consume! Try green tea blended with white tea and pomegranate (yum!), or green tea with berries, or green tea with mint. Every time you have a craving to snack on something unhealthy, make some tea instead! Keep a mug and tea packages on your desk so its within sight and you can go to if first before anything else. The small caffeine boost will refresh you and keep you motivated, you'll stay hydrated, and green tea also is proven to speed up your metabolism! This is a drinking habit that will actually HELP you lose weight and satisfy your cravings for sweet! I hope this helps! GOOD LUCK YOU CAN DO IT! :D
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Good morning! I know exactly what your saying. I've fallen into this trap before myself. I know what its like to have health issues that can limit your movement. I am a diabetic so I have to eat well to keep my sugar in check but I also suffer from diabetic neuropathy. I can't take anything for the neuropathy because of my thyroid disorder. Some days I can barely walk and then a few days later I can do all kinds of things. Yesterday and today my legs and feet have been really bad and I've had to stay home from work and basically either sit in the lazy boy with my legs up or lay in bed which really depresses me.

    On the days when my body is failing me I can get soooo depressed and unmotivated but I find that being on here and cheering the others on really helps. I may not be able to cheer on myself but at least I keep my head in the game as much as possible helps me stay on my path.

    I just keep reminding myself that healthy living isn't a race or a competition its living... living everyday the best you can on that day. The only way I'm going to improve my health is by living as healthy as I can each day and when I do eat that whatever that I shouldn't have... I have to just keep going. Giving up isn't an option...

    Remember that every day is a new day and a new beginning... if you fall off the proverbial food wagon get back up and dust yourself off and start again. Giving up isn't an option for you either... think about all that you have to loss and all that you have to gain. My guess is you have everything to gain.

    I hope this helps at least a little. Best of luck to you... remember people are on your side! You can do this!
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    Sorry to hear that! I hate when I fall of the wagon, but the good news is you can always get back on. Maybe it would help if you had a walking buddy! To make your walks something that you look forward to. I hope everything works out!
    Good Luck!