Kudos and support to all you on 1200-1300 cal plans

I have to admit that life isn't fair. I have to give it up for all you smaller MFPers, mainly women, who have to eat a 1200-1300 cal diet to maintain or lose the weight you're looking to lose. It seems as though yall end up walking sucha fine line between having slightly too much caloric intake to lose and too little so that you stall your losses. You exercise and pretty much need to be right on when estimating how much you burned. and then you need to eat back almost every calorie to make sure you get your minimun daily requirements to fuel the furnace.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here getting about 1800 calories to lose 1 lb/wk and if I exercise and don't eat back my calories, I may still be at 1300 calories, which would still be okay.

I've got to think that it gets so much harder to lose those last few lbs once you get close to reaching your end goals, and especially harder for women.

I don't think alot of us really see or appreciate the frustration and struggle you gals go through when walking that fine line. It just as much of a struggle for you to lose those last few lbs as it may be for an obese person to lose their first few lbs.

Just wanted to give you all some support and let you know that your struggle is not going on unacknowledged.

Much love to all MFPers out there working their butts off!


  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks man! It does seem a little xtreme to be on 1200 a day just to lose a pound a week. And i'm only trying to lose a few. But life could be worse, and we're learning a lot about food! Good luck to you xx
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Thank you for that! Being only 5'1" isn't always good, especially when it comes to this weight loss thing! I am so glad someone understands!
  • jdier
    jdier Posts: 110 Member
    Yes, it's hard. Thanks for the kind acknowledgement! :smile:
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    This was just what i needed to see today! I frequently have jealousy towards my husbands 1900 calories ( i know the breakdown and why it is, i'm just saying). Anyway jsut wanted to say thanks for the kudos, we ladies need it!
  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks, it is a pain. :smile:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    This is why I'm trying for 0.5lbs per week instead of 1 or 2. I can't/won't do it if it's too hard. I get to net 1750 (but I'm not a small woman).
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    It is hard, but I have lost 51 pounds in 4.5 months so I am not going to complain.
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks to you for the words of encouragement because that is what they were! Good luck to you.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Thanks for the thread - at just 5ft and will only a few pounds to go to reach my goal weight it is VERY tricky, I have not been able to find the right balance for me in 8 months now and have had no further loss, but I am sticking at it until I get there :)
  • h64em
    h64em Posts: 64 Member
    Aww thanks for that!! And well done with your loss!
    I started on 1200 a day as I had 4 plus stone to lose but have now increased my intake. Its hard but if you want to suceed you have to give it all you can. :))
  • Thank you for those encouraging words, they are very much appreciated!
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    Thanks it's nice to have someone who thinks of others writing such a nice post!
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    Wow! That was nice to read - thank you!

    And here i thought i was going crazy!!!! About 5 weeks in to my journey and im down 7 pounds but i want to lose about 60. So.......why does my weight stall so much, why is it so hard to lose one fricken pound, why is it not flying off my body when i have seriously reduced my calorie intake to what i used to eat and am trying to be more active every day?

    Why oh why????!!!!

    Seems this may be the reason.......any tips folks? Im frustrated and want to see results for my efforts!

    Thnks again :smile:
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    Awww thank you so much for that!! just what us ladies needed! sometimes i find it hard to stay under my 1200 and sometimes i find it hard to eat 1200 so it's a vicious cycle!!! Thanks for the much needed support!! :-) :flowerforyou:
  • tweety170
    tweety170 Posts: 167
    This was just what i needed to see today! I frequently have jealousy towards my husbands 1900 calories ( i know the breakdown and why it is, i'm just saying). Anyway jsut wanted to say thanks for the kudos, we ladies need it!

    Agreed! And thank you for the shout out...I workout a lot and I never know if I'm eating too much or too little!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    Wow! That was nice to read - thank you!

    And here i thought i was going crazy!!!! About 5 weeks in to my journey and im down 7 pounds but i want to lose about 60. So.......why does my weight stall so much, why is it so hard to lose one fricken pound, why is it not flying off my body when i have seriously reduced my calorie intake to what i used to eat and am trying to be more active every day?

    Why oh why????!!!!

    Seems this may be the reason.......any tips folks? Im frustrated and want to see results for my efforts!

    Thnks again :smile:

    totally DITTO!!! feel free to take a look at my food diary people!!!
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    Its nice to hear a male's point of view on these issues! My biggest issue is that I change the way I eat and lose a few pounds in months, then my husband will 'diet' for a week and loose the same amount! I, of course, have maintained my weight loss for almost two years and nothing tastes or feels better than that.............AND I'm still living the life I was meant to live!! :happy:
  • burksr
    burksr Posts: 5
    Hi - Such a nice post. I'm doing the 1200 thing and sometimes get frustrated when it says that I eat too few calories that day because I have been trying to be really good. The balance is tough. Also been on vacation for the last week or so and that makes it doubly challenging to hit the right range. Congrats on your loss and to all the other replies. Provides a lot of inspiration!
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks!!!! I just got back from vacation and my husband gained an ounce....yes, and ounce.....me...who stuck to my calorie in take for the first week and excercising....and let my second week slide.....put on 10 pounds! Yes, I said 10! I know it was mostly water weight and is coming off quickly, but still.....there is such a difference in men and women, it is crazy.

    And to add the "smaller" MFP'ers that are women and have 1200 calorie in take to lose 1-2 pounds a week, have to work their tale off to get a good calorie burn. I have to admit these 1K-2K plus calorie burns for doing the same exact thing, just smaller is hard to see. I would love to be able to eat more, but know to see a 1K-2K calorie burn for my size, I would have to be int he gym and kicking *kitten* for well over an hour and don't have the time.....

    Just one of those "perks" of being a woman. But, thanks for the appreciation of us! Nice surprise to read this :)