**Team Orange, August Challenge!** (Closed Group)

Hi All-

I'm so excited to see all of the enthusiam about this month's KICK THE CRAP OUT OF AUGUST CHALLENGE! Thanks again to Gary for setting up the teams! Get ready for a month full of inspiration, challenges, and fun conversations! I will make a new forum post once a week so that our forum doesn't get too long. If anyone has a better idea than this, please messag me!

Here are the 20 people on our team:

Team 5 (The Orange Team)

Captain: jltoffer

1 watchmeshrink16
2 kmcgrath1
3 Reneneb
4 TDBrims
5 BioQueen
6 bonniehoskins
7 Zelma81
8 sassyshook
9 bobbiedr
10 cdl8
11 MrsVagus
12 laurad8911
13 o4itsme
14 lbtewksbury
15 amylcox222
16 LauriTerrell
17 usliv2
18 tabheckman
19 sazvampire
20 skinnyminimoni

Again, looking forward to a great month! More to come when Gary posts this week's challenge!!

For now...what should our Team name be? We need something creative!!



  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    Not sure of a team name but very excited about this challenge!!! Yeaaaahhhh!!!
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    Good, glad you're excited!
  • bobbiedr
    bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
    I'll try to think of a team name, but I'm not very creative!

    I hope I am able to help out the team the best I can. I'm not sure what this challenge will involve as this will be my 1st big group challenge.
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    Why hello team mates...buddies....motivational folkies.....Ooooh we need a scary name that says WE MEAN BUSINESS
  • watchmeshrink16
    watchmeshrink16 Posts: 205 Member
    I'll try to think of a name. However, creativity is not something that I am good at. I will try my best.
  • amylcox222
    amylcox222 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm really excited to start this challenge!! I've always found competition very motivating!

    As for the name, I'm not that good at coming up with creative names but maybe if we start with some ideas, no matter how silly, we can put them together into something that will work. Here's a list of suggested names from another site:

    Wii Not Fit
    Out Of Shape
    Masters of the Gym
    Hungry Hungry Hippos
    Wii Unfit
    The Waist Watchers
    Gym Class Heroes
    Badunkadunk Busters
    Mission Slimpossible
    Skinny Up
    Cut the Caboose
    Good Bye Lovehandles
    Muffin Top Stoppers
    Got Fat
    Company Cupcakes Cutting down
    Tons of Fun
    Skinny Bou's
    Starvin Six
    Journey to Lose
    Operation Narrow Waiste
    Target Weigh-less
    Skinny-sized booties
    Exiling our oversized booties
    Thin to Win
    Sassy by Summer - maybe for us Fit by Fall
    Weapons of Mass Reduction
    Cupcakes Anonymous
    The Twinkie Defense
    Let's lose the caboose
    Tons of fun
    Your Loss
    Born to Lose
    Dude, where's my gut?
    Will jog for Fries
    No Mo Junk in da Trunk
    Top heavy
    Cruisin' for losin'
    The Meltaways
    Winning Losers
    The burning lipids
    Workout Wonders
    The Slims
    The Smalls
    Fatties No More
    Team McSlim
    Team McTrim
    The Losemore Fam
    Muffin Abductors
    Bubble Butts
    Bye Bye Bubble Butts
    Caboose Cutters
    Lovehandle Losers
    Muffin-top Droppers
    Muffin-top Stoppers
    Booty Busters
    Bootie Busters
    Extreme Makeover - Booty Edition
    Chubby No More's
    Excess Baggage
    Waist Removal
    Chunky Monkeys
    Pound Droppers
    Belly Dumpers
    Scale Tippers
    Slim Pancakes
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    Hahaha, these names are hilarious!

    I like these three:

    Muffin Top Stoppers

    The Meltaways

    The Burning Lipids

    Any of those work for you all?
  • laurad8911
    laurad8911 Posts: 99
    hurt my knee last night, doctors orders: no exercise that bends my knee. guessing this disqualifies me?
  • jwls29
    jwls29 Posts: 9
    Can't wait to get started! I stink at coming up with creative names so anything will be fine with me.
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    I am definitely still in! I like all three of those...can you tell I'm indecisive?!? :wink:
  • watchmeshrink16
    watchmeshrink16 Posts: 205 Member
    Amylcox222 listed a lot of great team names. They are all great

    Here is some that I like:

    Pound droppers
    Chubby No More's
    Crusin for losin
    Weapons of mass reduction
    Sassy by summer-maybe for us fit by fall
    Wii unfit
    Mission Slimpossible

    I think everyone should pick the ones they like, and whatever name appears the most will be the one. Just an idea.
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    @laurad: You can still be on our team and root for us! Or do a few crunches here and there, don't worry!
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    @laurad: You can still be on our team and root for us! Or do a few crunches here and there, don't worry!
  • tabluedke
    tabluedke Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in!!!!! And I'm so excited! What about Team Fat Blaster?!?!?! :)
  • bobbiedr
    bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
    I like these 3 names:

    Muffin Top Stoppers
    Weapons of mass reduction
    Mission Slimpossible
  • Zelma81
    Zelma81 Posts: 16
    Yay I am def still in. Not sure about the name I will have a good look through the list and get back to you about thats
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    Does everyone like Mission Slimpossible? Seems to be the most agreeable at this point :)
  • watchmeshrink16
    watchmeshrink16 Posts: 205 Member
    I like Mission Slimpossible!!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    whoops....i don't think i'm on this team lol :blushing:
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    I like Mission Slimpossible! It's definitely positive!!!